How to Block Facebook Game App Invitations and Requests


Recently I started playing a lot


On Facebook. The credit goes to my friends for seducing me with their endless demands. However, I must tell you that these game app invites or requests are really annoying and can eat up a lot of your working time.

I myself was a victim of the same thing, started looking for ways to block such requests. However, not all, there are many applications that I hate. Luckily, I found a way out and here I am sharing the trick with you.

Hot Tip: If you’re looking for a way to block messages and friend requests from strangers, we’ve got a separate guide for you. Find it here.

Facebook has a way to block app requests, from specific friends and from the app itself. Note that blocking requests from a friend does not block that friend. So you can rest assured if that’s a concern.

Steps to block app requests on Facebook

There are two different ways to do this. One is to block requests from a specific friend and the other is to block the entire application. Let us see how.

Step 1: First of all, you have to log in to your Facebook account.

Step 2: On the Facebook homepage, click on the small like lock icon located on the right side. It will drop a setting menu.

Facebook settings

Step 3: At this menu as shown above, click on the link to read See more Settings. This action will take you to a brand new settings page. On the left sidebar, look for block. Click on it to achieve Block Management page.

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Block Facebook

Step 4: Find the part Block invitations to join apps to block requests from a friend. The purpose here is to block all application requests from the person you have selected.

Block invitations to join apps

To block requests for an app, read Block apps. This is to block requests from all friends for certain apps.

block apps

Step 5: For either section, start searching for friends or the corresponding app. Once you’ve found it, press enter or click on it to add to the blocked list.

Application block search

That’s it. End the nuisance. No more annoying game invites or requests.


Applications are built in such a way that they reach the maximum audience. Friends are forced to send you invitations and requests to continue their game and status. And, in turn, they spam your notification list.

However, now you have control. You can’t complain about receiving requests when you have a way to get rid of them. So just go ahead and make the list count or live with the nasty calls. Don’t forget to share your experience. Enjoy!

Categories: How to

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