How to Bet On Goal Scorers

The bettor’s experience is often enough to know if a player is in good shape to score, but here are some tips to help you in your scoring predictions.

You should always check if the player:

  • Has enough motivation to score?
  • Is best at home or away?
  • Scores more against a team?
  • Is more comfortable in high stakes or non-stake matches?

The Scorer’s Form

The scorer’s form is crucial. Will a player returning from injury be fit to score?

A player who has not scored for three games will lack confidence or, conversely inflated to finish with his bad streak?

The best is to know the player very well and follow its statistical s his statement s in the press.

Team Form

Who is a goal scorer in a team that can’t score? A striker has often needed players around him to serve. This factor must therefore be taken into account.

Even with a top scorer, a team last in the championship, and poor shape, will have a hard time scoring against the team that is first. You need to understand the form of a team to bet on goal scorers.

Black Beasts

Another factor to take into account is the unlucky players! Some players have never managed to score against a team, and sometimes it’s their previous club. Also, you can also find players who almost always score against a specific club.

Gameplay Style

A team with a lot of possession will provide more scoring opportunities for a surface striker. However, the opportunities to score might be a bit slow for teams that player high defensive game.

Conversely, a team that is playing or going to play against will give more good balls to a technical and fast player who can better take the spaces.

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The Stake Of The Match

Not all players handle the pressure the same. Messi has scored very few goals in the quarterfinals in the Champions League semi-finals. Conversely, Ronaldo scores almost every year in these critical moments.

State of the Pitch

Playing on a very poor-quality pitch can be a real handicap for technical players. We must therefore pay attention to this factor.

The LeagueSpy site can help. It gives the state of the pitch as well as the forecast weather for the match.

Also, be aware that a striker’s finish type will be more evident in poor condition.

Penalty Takers

To score in the game is one thing. But if the player also shoots the penalties, it is a big plus for the bettor.

Betting on a goalscorer who also takes the penalties is a way to improve his percentage of success, and this option is mostly analyzed in premier league betting tips.

Home/Away Goal Scorers

Some scorers need to play at home to be confident and have solid benchmarks. While others will be more comfortable away, where there is no pressure. A good example is Osimhen during the 2019/20 season. He scored almost all of his goals away from home.

Betting on Goal Scorers: Conclusion

Scoring bets are not the easiest. At the moment, they are especially very popular since the arrival of double chances in the year 2020.

Personally, I find the odds often too low. Bookmakers do not take any risk on it. This is normal, and these bets are often made more out of passion than fundamental and deep analysis.

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Do you want to bet on the goal scorers? Go easy, starting with small bets, and I also advise you to go for second scorers with higher odds.

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