How to Analyze Your Email Habits with Gmail Meter

If you really work with those emails and like to calculate numbers, then Gmail Meter gives you a statistical overview of the big picture when it comes to Gmail and email management. Gmail meter is an analytical tool that breaks down your email sending habits and presents it as easy to understand data.

Gmail Meter is not a plug-in or software, but an Apps Script that runs on the first day of each month and sends you detailed monthly reports of your Gmail activity. Reports come in the form of graphs, pie charts, bar charts, and simple numbers. Don’t turn it off – it’s pretty simple to understand.

Set up Gmail Meter

The video below illustrates the process nicely. Start with creating a spreadsheet in Google Docs (remember that Google Docs is now part of Google Drive). You must allow the script to access your Gmail and Google Calendar accounts. Although it is part of the Script Library, Google is not affiliated with this script.

Here are some suggestions on how statistical analysis can be useful to us as a productivity tool:

1. Are you doing it right? There are quite a few Gmail management tools on the market. Gmail has its own Priority Inbox. The Volume Statistics from Gmail Meter gives you a breakdown of all your Gmail conversations. For instance, you might decide to delete unimportant emails and clean up the clutter in your inbox.

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2. Daily productivity is tied to the way we use email. Do we allot specific time or do we multitask and send emails when we feel like it? Maybe, the Daily Traffic graph could show if you’re wasting your most productive time sending emails when you can put it off later. Graph Daily Traffic when messages are sent and messages you receive in a given month by block of time.

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3. Looking at the weekly Traffic bar chart will tell you if you are good at responding to emails you receive. It shows your overall email activity for the past week.

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4. Email category and its pie chart show your email management skills. Do you keep your inbox cluttered? Are you labeling your emails well? Do you empty the trash or let it clean up on its own?

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5. Top Senders and Top Recipients tell you who you communicate with most often. I can use this information to set up filters and special labels for them, so that their emails get the most attention in a cluttered inbox.

6. The time before first response is an important statistic because it tells you how quickly you responded to your own (and how long it took others to reply to you). It is a direct indicator of email etiquette and is especially important for customer relationships.

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7. Word count tells you the average length of your emails. Short and precise emails are the way to grab the reader’s attention. The word count tells you to increase or decrease the rate. Similarly, Thread Length indicates whether you are engaged in long conversations that lead to long threads.

They say that 98% of the statistics are fabricated. But not in this case because all the information is in your Gmail inbox. Gmail Meter just gives it metrics. Do you think Gmail Meter is a tool that you will use to analyze your Gmail? How will you use the data?

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Categories: How to

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