How to Add or Edit the Smart Stack of Widgets on iPhone

Quick Tips

  • Smart Stack widgets intelligently rotate and change to show the most relevant information throughout the day.
  • Tap and hold an empty area on the home screen, and select the Smart Stack from the list of widgets.
  • Tap and hold the Smart Stack, and select Edit Stackto edit the widget. You can also drag a widget on to another to create a Smart Stack widget of your own.

What is a Smart Stack of Widgets on iPhone

In case you’re wondering, a Smart Stack ‘smartly’ switches between widgets based on past activity. For instance, you may have made it a habit to open the Reminders app in the morning—with a Smart Stack, expect the Reminders widgets to pop up right around that time.

Furthermore, a Smart Stack helps cut down the clutter of multiple widgets since you can also manually swipe up or down a stack to get to the widget that you want.

How to Add a Smart Stack of Widgets on iPhone

Step 1: Start by long-pressing a vacant area of the Home screen to jiggle all app icons. Then, tap the plus-shaped icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Step 2: You should see the widgets gallery. Tap the Smart Stack, which you should see at the very top.

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Step 3: Pick a size (small or medium), and then tap Add Widget to add the Smart Stack to the Home screen.

Step 4: After inserting the Smart Stack, feel free to move it around the Home screen or onto a different page altogether.

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You can also add multiple Smart Stacks, which is ideal if you want to have them on different Home screen pages.

How to Remove Widgets From Smart Stack

Smart Stacks that you add to the Home screen contain lots of widgets. You may not use some of them at all. In that case, you can remove such widgets, that you don’t plan to use, quite easily.

Step 1: Long tap on the stack and select the Edit Stack option within the long-press context menu.

Step 2: On the list of widgets that then shows up, tap on the remove icon to remove widgets from the stack.

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Once you’ve finished removing unwanted widgets, swipe down to exit the Home screen.

How to Edit a Smart Stack of Widgets on iPhone

When manually swiping through a Smart Stack, you may not like the order in which each widget appears. Thankfully, you can change the default ordering.

Step 1: Start by long-pressing the stack—on the context menu that shows up, tap Edit Stack.

Step 2: Then, tap and hold the widgets to drag them around in any order. Swipe down to exit the Home screen.

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How to Disable Smart Rotate Widget on Smart Stack

You may prefer to swipe through a Smart Stack instead of letting widgets rotate automatically. In that case, you can disable the ‘smart’ functionality of a widget.

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Long-press the Smart Stack, select Edit Stack, and then turn off the switch next to Smart Rotate.

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How to Create Custom Smart Stack on iPhone

Rather than inserting a Smart Stack from the widgets gallery, you can create your own custom ‘smart’ stack.

Step 1: If your iPhone’s Home screen already has widgets within it, drag and drop a widget over another similarly-sized widget to start stacking.

Step 2: Repeat the process to build up the stack with the widgets that you want. You can also drag and drop widgets over others of the same size while adding them to the Home screen via the widgets gallery.

That’s how you build your own ‘smart’ widget stack. Feel free to build as many as you want. Custom-built widget stacks work just like the Smart Stacks that you insert via the widgets sheet.

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Also Read: How to remove widgets from iPhone lock screen.

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