How to Add Drawings on Google Keep and Use with S Pen

Google has a list of very useful apps on their Android platform, and one such app is Google Keep. I use it quite often and it recently got an update (v3.2.435.0) that allows users to doodle on it. Furthermore, if you happen to own any of Samsung’s Note series phones, you can also use the S Pen effectively.

Google KeepWant to draw on Google Keep? It’s easy | iJeab /

So let’s see how we can go about it.

Update or Sideload

Some app update rollouts can be slow, or you happen to live in an area that doesn’t get the latest updates right away. If you don’t want to sit around waiting, we’ve covered an entire article on downloads and a relatively safer way to download and install apps from trusted sources like APKMirror.

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That’s exactly what I would suggest you do if you don’t see an update for Google Keep on your phone. So head over to the APKMirror link (link for non-64 bit devices) then download and install the app to get started.

Know your notes

The updated bar at the bottom of the Keep app now has a Pen icon, which shows where you need to tap to doodle. If you’re just trying to create a new note instead, you’ll skip the visual creation part altogether.

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When you are in the right section, you will receive a standard pen, an art pen, and a highlighter. On the left is a selection tool, it will help you select a certain part of what you have doodled and resize it if you want. Simply tap the option in the bottom left and make a selection, then pinch in with two fingers to zoom out on the selected doodle, or pinch out to zoom in on the doodle.

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You can also move the selected area around and place it at a different angle if you want.

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Please note: Flipping the selected part at various angles does not work, at least not in this version.

It works like a charm and the pen tools are pretty easy to understand. The eraser is also very effective and you can swipe your finger to erase unnecessary parts.

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Long press on the icon and you have the option to CLEAR FABRIC also.

Be more precise with the S Pen

I tested this app with a Galaxy Note5, and it’s a definite improvement when using the S Pen for drawing and doodling in general. Both pens offer more control, and if you press harder, the lines will look thicker. The whole experience happened quite naturally and easily.

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Both the standard pen and the art pen perform a lot better, not only because of the thicker fingers, but the S Pen feels just like using a regular pen. That’s what we’re used to unless you’ve never used a pen in your life.

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Of course, the eraser function is the most ideal place where you want to use your fingers. Especially if they’re nice and fat (like mine) you can easily wipe out entire sections.

Minimalist or Expanded?

I quite like Keep and how quick and easy it is to take notes and even make lists. As a minimalist note taking app, it’s really good and serves my needs well. If you think there are better alternatives, let us know in our forum.

Categories: How to

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