How to Access all Files on Windows 10 PC with OneDrive

OneDrive is love or hate. Some like it for its robustness and tight integration in Windows 10 while others see it as Microsoft’s attempt to sneak a peek at their latest holiday photos.

Shutterstock 324442616OneDrive can do more than just sync files | shutter

For the old-timers, today we’re going to see one of OneDrive’s nifty features come in handy.

What is it?

Have you ever been in a situation where you need some files stored on your PC? We’ve all been there. The usual answer to this is Remote Desktop or Shared Folders. But those are overly complicated solutions. Setting up RD to access only a few files is like bringing a gun to a knife fight. There needed to be a simpler solution and OneDrive’s Universal Access feature, which lets you access all your PC files from anywhere.

You can browse all file and folder partitions, including any attached USBs and external hard drives. Also, if you have any other PCs mapped as network locations, those PCs can also be accessed. Of course, your PC should be ON and connected to the internet, with the OneDrive app running in the background.

Enable universal access

If you don’t have OneDrive installed, download it from here and install it. Once installed, sign in with your Microsoft account.

Individual installation

Open OneDrive settings by right-clicking the OneDrive icon on the taskbar, in the lower-right corner of the screen, and then clicking Setting.

Install a drive

Under Setting tab, check Let me use OneDrive to fetch any file on this PC. Don’t panic, this won’t upload all your PC files to Microsoft’s servers. None of your files are uploaded and this will not count towards your cloud storage.

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As this will only work if OneDrive is running, also check the box for Automatically start OneDrive when I sign in to Windowsand press ALRIGHT.

Access your PC files

Once you’ve enabled the above option, open the OneDrive website and sign in with your credentials.

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In the left column, below all your folders, there will be the names of the PCs associated with OneDrive. Click on your PC (the one you’ve enabled access to above) and all your files will load. For users with two-factor authentication enabled, you need to enter a one-time code sent to your mobile phone.

My Features on Od

You can only browse files from the web app, in any browser and on any platform. Oddly, this feature isn’t available in the OneDrive mobile app.

You can also access files on a Windows PC using a Mac, but the other way around is not possible. Similarly, this feature is only available on Windows 10. If you get an error that your PC can’t connect, unlink OneDrive from that PC and link it again.

Hot Tip: Convince yourself that you don’t want to use OneDrive at all? Our guide to making your PC OneDrive free might be helpful.

Stop thinking

File sharing, while certainly not a new thing, is very complicated to set up in Windows. OneDrive makes this easy, and you don’t have to mess around with folder permissions or network location settings. Visit our discussion forums to share your views and ideas.

Categories: How to

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