How Much Should I Sell My Instagram Account For?

Looking to sell your Instagram account but don’t know how much to sell it for?

This guide will be a complete overview of how much you should sell your Instagram account for.

At the end of the tutorial, you will be able to price your Instagram account at the most reasonable rate.

Let’s go straight to it.

  • Important figures
  • How much should I sell my Instagram account for?
  • Price break
  • Average Instagram account price (based on followers and engagement rate)
  • Aggregate Instagram account prices from followers
  • Conclusion

Important figures

Before selling your Instagram account, here are some important metrics that people pay attention to.

Each Instagram account has different values ​​due to these metrics.

1. Number of followers

One of the first things you will look at is your number of followers.

Usually, you only want to consider selling your Instagram account if you have 1,000 or more followers.

Instagram accounts with less than 1,000 followers typically have little or no value unless your engagement rate is exceptional (over 30%).

2. Suitable

Second, the niche of your Instagram account will affect its price.

If your Instagram is a meme account, you will have to price it lower.

Business, entrepreneur or money Instagram pages will cost a lot more.

This is because they are much easier to earn.

3. Username

Your account’s username only needs to be counted if it’s an OG or semi OG account.

OG username is a username with real words from English without any numbers or special characters (e.g. hello, lol, fish).

These usernames can be worth thousands of dollars.

Unless your username is an OG name, it won’t add any value to your Instagram account price.

4. Demographics

The demographics you’ll want to consider are age and location.

Age depends on the buyer, but generally young people (18-30) tend to be the most valuable.

Let’s switch to location.

If your followers are mainly from tier 1 countries (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia), your account will be more valuable.

However, if your followers are mainly from tier 3 countries (e.g. India, Cambodia, Nigeria), your account will be less valuable.

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5. Engagement

Your account engagement will be one of the most important metrics to look out for.

If you have thousands of followers but only a few likes, your account won’t have much value.

On the other hand, if your engagement rate is high (10% -30%), your account will skyrocket in value.

Interactions include 4 metrics.

Likes, comments, video views and story views.


For likes, you should consider an engagement rate of around 10%.

Typically for a smaller account (under 10,000 followers) you’ll want to see around 1,000 likes.

For a larger account (over 10,000 followers), the engagement rate will be much lower than for a smaller account (6-8% engagement rate).

This is normal.


As for comments, if your post gets a lot of comments, it shows that your followers are engaged.

So you will be able to sell your account at a higher price.

Story and video views

Story views are also an important factor in estimating your account value.

Great story views make up about 10% to 20% of your total followers.

This means that if you have 10,000 followers, more than 1,000 of them will see your story.

Growth rate

Ultimately, it’s your account’s current growth or growth rate.

Your account’s follower count and engagement can be huge.

However, if your account hasn’t grown much in the past few weeks/months, its value will decrease.

But if your account is growing hundreds of followers a day (along with engagement), its value will increase.

How much should I sell my Instagram account for?

Now is the time for the million dollar question, “How much should I sell my Instagram account for?”.

The short answer is – it depends. Based on the different metrics I mentioned above (followers, niche, usernames, demographics, and engagement), each account will have a different price.

To make your life easier, I’ve put together a table of real-life Instagram accounts for sale.

You can use these metrics and prices to compare with your own account.

That way, you’ll have a rough idea of ​​how much you should sell your Instagram account for.

ARE NOT.FollowersLikes per postFitPriceDescription
first.6.484223Luxury & Motivation$150Main audience: United States.
2.9,8121.357Domestic animals$278100 to 400 organic followers per day. Followers from USA, Brazil. Gender is 67% female.
3.12.8781,714Travel & Nature$300Travel-based US account with multiple followers.
4.28,4204.596Cars & Bicycles$400Increase 200 followers per day but in the early stage (daily posting) it increased 500 followers per day. $20 per week by running ads/affiliates etc.
5.38,1192.779Humor & Meme$500Very good meme page.
6.54.5161,150Fashion style$670High quality fan page account with real followers.
7.80,4474.897Sports$799 Account created more than 2 years ago.
8.173,2321.336Fashion style$999Account is one year old. Very active account gaining around 1 thousand followers per day. Over 2k likes on average over 30 recent posts.
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Move on to the next section for a brief price breakdown on these accounts.

Price break

Now let’s analyze the prices of different Instagram accounts from the table above.

Account number 1

The first user on the board has about 6,500 followers and 223 likes per post.

The main audience is the United States, a first-class country.

With these metrics in mind, this account could be worth no more than $100 because the engagement rate is pretty low.

Account number 2

The number 2 on the table is the appropriate pet and animal.

It has an average of 9,800 followers and 1,357 likes per post.

This is a very high engagement rate so this account is worth a lot more.

It’s easily worth around $250+.

The seller set the price at $280, which is very reasonable.

Account number 3

Number 3 has about 12,900 followers and 1,714 likes per post.

This is an account with a pretty good engagement rate.

Valuing this account at around $300 is perfect.

Account number 4

The next account on the board has an average of 28,400 followers and 4,600 likes per post.

The seller says that it is growing by 200 followers per day; 500 if you post daily.

Very high growth and engagement rates.

This account is easily worth about $400.

Account number 5

Number 5 has about 38,000 followers and 2,800 likes per post.

This account has a higher number of followers than the previous account but lower engagement.

Accounts are a more difficult meme site to monetize.

Sellers price it at $500, but it should be priced at $400 or more.

Account number 6

54,516 followers and 1,150 likes on average per post.

This account has a lower engagement rate than the previous two, but has more followers.

Sellers price it at $670 but it will be lower.

Account number 7

This account has around 80,400 followers and 4,900 likes per post.

The engagement rate is around 6%, which is quite high considering the account has a huge number of followers.

This account costs $799.

Account number 8

The last account on the board has around 173,232 followers and an average of 1,336 likes per post.

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The number of followers is very high but the engagement rate is very low.

This account has a huge growth rate with 1,000 daily followers, which is the biggest metric.

The seller values ​​this account at $999.

Average Instagram account price (based on followers and engagement rate)

This table is a quick reference of the different rates of Instagram accounts based on their followers and engagement rates.

Use this table for a quick estimate of your Instagram account price.

FollowersEngagement ratePrice
5,000 to 10,000 won10% to 30%$100 to $150
10,000 to 15,000 won10% to 20%$200 to $300
15,000 to 30,000 won8% to 15%$300 to $400+
30,000 to 60,000 yen6% to 10%$400 to $600+
60,000 to 80,000 won3% to 8%$600 to $1000++
100,000 or more3% to 6%$1000 to $5000+++

Note: This is just a rough estimate of how much you should sell your Instagram account for.

Aggregate Instagram account prices from followers

Here is a quick summary of the average Instagram account price from the number of followers.

If you have 5,000 to 10,000 followers, you should consider selling your Instagram account for $100 to $150.

Next, if you have 10,000 to 15,000 followers, it will be worth around $200 to $300.

15,000 to 30,000 followers at $300 to $400+.

30,000 to 60,000 followers at $400 to $600+.

60,000 to 80,000 followers are valued at around $600 to $1000++.

Finally, 100,000 or more followers at $1000 to $5000+++ respectively.


In this article, I’ve covered the metrics you should look out for when valuing your Instagram account, 8 different Instagram account prices, and the average Instagram account price.

Hopefully you will have a better understanding of how much you should sell your Instagram account for.

However, you should always compare your account with other accounts in the market to get a rough idea of ​​its value.

This is because each account is different.

Categories: Social Media

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