How (and Why) To Clean Up Dropbox Linked Devices, Apps

Dropbox Cleanup

Dropbox is a great tool to use on all your devices, but the fact that it’s absolutely everywhere can become a serious security disadvantage. Here’s how to tidy things up a bit and make sure you stay safe.

Lots of devices and apps

If you’re a similar user to the author of this article, you’re probably using (and switching between) several computers and mobile devices. That means files and folders in each device.

And you definitely want to save the stuff you’re producing and the files you’re working on. And what better place to do it than Dropbox, a great place to find them again quickly after you switch to that new laptop, right?

Also, if you’re a regular user of the service (you can even sync PortableApps with it), you’re probably giving Dropbox access to a lot of apps.

Well, all these devices and apps remain in your Dropbox account after they are no longer in use and should be cleaned up from time to time as they can pose a security threat. You can also use the steps below to check for security breaches. In particular, if you see something that you claim is not authorized to access, you could run into some problems.

But let’s not put the bad first; It’s a good idea to clean up your account from time to time, even if it’s just done to keep things safer.

Cleanup Dropbox Up

Step 1: Sign in to your Dropbox account. In the home screen, at the top right, click your name. A menu like the one below will appear.

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Dropbox Security

Step 2: Press Setting in the menu.

Dropbox Security Settings

Step 3: You will see three tabs. The person you care about, the place you will clean, is Protect.

Dropbox security settings tab

Step 4: Scroll down until you find device part. As I said earlier, if you are using multiple devices and have never cleaned everything up, there are quite a few.

Dropbox Security Settings Device

Step 5: Found something that you no longer use and never plan to use again? By all means, get rid of it! This is done pretty easily, just click on the little X button next to that particular device.

Important: If you ever lose any gadget that has access to your Dropbox account, you should immediately deny access to that device from here. Now you know why this is such an important step.

Dropbox Security Settings Device Unlink

Step 6: Confirm unlinking devices from your account, then repeat these steps until all devices you no longer need are unlinked.

Dropbox Security Settings Device Unlink Confirm

Hot Tip: While you’re here, you might want to check it out session part, too. If you see a session going on in another country, you should probably be concerned.

Step 7: Now we are moving to application area, which may pose more security risks. Scroll down until you find Linked Apps part.

Dropbox1 security settings app

Step 8: Once you’ve found something you don’t use anymore (or even worse, something you don’t recognize), click button X next to it, just like you did for the device. Then confirm the action.

The great thing about this is that you can keep the app’s files if you want.

Dropbox Security Settings Uninstall Apps

bottom line

A little cleaning up on your Dropbox account can go a long way in terms of security, so it’s a good idea to do it from time to time.

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Top image: devioustree

Categories: How to

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