Here’s how Auto-Cast works in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are plenty of spells and abilities to use in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that will help your party succeed in battle, and the Auto-Cast Materia is by far one of the best – so we’re here to break down what it is exactly and how to put it to the best use in the game.

Whether you’re upgrading your weapons, or trying to get SP fast, there is an array of different ways to approach combat in FF7 Rebirth and using Auto-Cast is bound to help your party out.

What is Auto-Cast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Auto-Cast is one of the best Materia you can use in Final Fantasy 7 and allows an ally to use spells automatically when you’re not actively controlling them. It’s a Blue Materia, which means it has to be linked with a different coloured Materia to work.

Using spells can have various benefits, including dealing elemental damage to opponents or healing and boosting party members, so having it cast automatically with this Materia can come in handy.

How to use Auto-Cast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

All you need to do with Auto-Cast to get it to work is set it next to another Materia in a linked slot. As you’ll see in the image below, I’ve placed mine next to a Healing Materia with Aerith (the strongest magic user).

The Auto-Cast Materia in Final Fantasy 7 RebirthClick to enlarge

So, when I, or a member of my party, am in trouble, the Auto-Cast Materia will allow Aerith to heal us automatically without having to switch to her or manually use her built-up ATB.

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That’s everything you need to know about Auto-Cast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to build up your party to be its very best, no matter the combination. If you’re looking for more in FF7 Rebirth, be sure to check out our Final Fantasy homepage where you’ll find out how to get Yuffie to join the team, or how to find and beat the Tonberry King.

Categories: Gaming

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