Guide to Get the Classic Start Menu Back in Windows 10

Some of us are unable to adapt to changes around us, even as small as replacing our morning coffee with a cup of green tea. I know, it’s healthy, but then we don’t care about it, because we hate changes. Let’s take Windows as an example. With Windows 8, they dropped a bomb on users by getting rid of the good Start Button and replacing the simple Start Menu with a much more complex Start Screen.

Start Menu Style

Of course there are always a handful of users excited about the changes, but most of us, myself included, simply hate the change. With Windows 10, Microsoft tried to create a bridge for users who like the classic Start Menu and those who love the Start Screen. However, if you really want to go back to what’s already familiar, here’s a complete guide on how you can achieve the classic Start Menu on Windows 10.

Simply remove tiles

If you’re happy with the new and improved Start Menu in Windows 10 but still need to get rid of the live tiles that come your way, you can simply remove them. Most of us, myself included, still can’t be satisfied with the tile concept introduced in Windows 8. All I needed was a simple Windows Start Menu, which contained some frequently used items. mine is pinned directly and the rest can be searched easily.

Start menu

Now the good thing is, if you delete all the default tiles with Windows 10, you will be left with some space.

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Remove TileSimple resizing

All you need to do is resize the Start menu and minimize it to show only the pinned apps on the start menu. However, there is no easy way to delete all uses of this app. You will have to manually right click on each one and delete them one by one.

change the size

For most users, this will be enough. But if you are a rather die-hard Windows 7 fan, you can try Classic Shell which I will discuss next.

Classic Case for Windows 10

Classic Shell is a free and easy to use program with which you can get back the classic Start Menu without any manual work. The latest stable build still mentions that it is supported for Windows 7 to 8.1. However, beta builds and even RC builds are out, so you can try those out for more stability on Windows 10. Beta builds are on the top right part of the home page. their.

While installing Classic Shell, you can choose to ignore Classic Explorer and Internet Explorer. The installation process is simple, and you can follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. Then search for Classic Start Menu and open it up.


You will be given three options which are, Classic, Classic with two columns or Windows 7 style. All you need to do now is select the style you want to use and click ALRIGHT button. You can choose to back up styles as XML files before applying the Classic Start Menu for the first time. Once the setting is applied, you can click the Start Menu button and you will see the classic menu you selected.

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One good thing about Classic Shell is that it doesn’t turn off the default Windows 10 Start Screen, but just hides it using the classic menu. At the top of the classic menu you have the option Start Menu (Windows) click that you can get back Windows 10 Start Menu for that particular case. This can be useful if you want to find some information on the default menu.

Classic menu

Note: The Windows 10 Start menu will only show up once when you click the option. It will return to the classic menu once it closes.

Customize the Start Menu

If you want to change some of the default settings of the Classic Start Menu, you can do so from the Classic Shell settings. Right-click the Start button and select the Settings option. It will open the same screen where we chose the classic menu style. On the same screen, you can change the icon of the Start Button. If you want Start Orb, download the image from the internet and apply as a custom image. You may have to crop and scale to fit the panel.

Select 1

In the Basic Tab you have options like. I like the smaller icons and text in my classic start menu, and you can try those settings. In addition, there are several actions and shortcuts you can configure. Finally, switch to the Customize Start Menu tab, you can choose what you see in your menu. Here you can choose to include or exclude folders from your favorites and separate them with a separator wherever you want. Advanced users can try Show all settings mode, but it is too deep and beyond the scope of the article. You can tweak almost anything there, but make sure you know what you’re doing.

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Settings of Classic Menu


The Classic Start Menu is as easy as possible for users who can’t tweak the changes. It’s easy to install and configure. If you change your mood and want to make Windows 10’s Start menu your default, just uninstall the app. That’s easy… isn’t it? Before you go, why don’t you tell us what you think of Windows 10, is it comfortable to work with?

Categories: How to

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