Enable Face Recognition Login in Windows With KeyLemon

If you don’t want to leave your PC unsecured, but always feel that entering a password is a tedious process, then you must know that there is a very simple solution to this problem (provided you have a webcam attached to your computer). You can use the webcam to make the computer recognize your face and automatically log you in.


Enable Facial Recognition On Windows With KeyLemon

Your webcam is a powerful tool with many uses. In addition to communicating with your friends via video conferencing, after all, the main purpose of having a webcam, you can also use it to take nice profile pictures and even control the broadcast. music, on PC or Mac.

Well, it’s time for you to learn another use for your webcam – facial recognition. Well, it can be a tool to log into your computer quickly and easily. All you need is a webcam and a small piece of software called KeyLemon. The basic version, which is free, can do everything you need.

Just follow the steps below and you’ll be logged into Windows with your webcam in no time.

Step 1: Download the basic version of KeyLemon from here (also a Mac version) to somewhere on your hard drive where you can easily find it. It should work on Windows Vista, 7 or 8.

Step 2: Install KeyLemon. The process is quick and simple – a few clicks Next buttons and you’re done.

Install Key Lemon

Step 3: Once the app has been installed, run it.

Hot Tip: The application requires your Windows user account to be assigned a password for it; so make sure it works before setup.

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Step 4: You will start by modeling your face. Make sure your webcam is connected to your computer before starting the application. While doing this step, make sure of these things – that you have your face in front of the camera, the light is not too strong, and that your face is in the shape that appears on your screen (like mine below). Either way, the green check mark will let you know if you got it right; so there shouldn’t be any problem here. When done, click Create a new face template.

Key Lemon Face Model1

Step 5: Next, you will check your face pattern. Look at the camera and see if the slider is almost completely green. The more blue you see, the more likely the app will recognize you (and log you in).

Check out the key lime face model

Step 6: Your face template is created. You can give it a name and then you’ll be asked for your Windows password so that in case KeyLemon doesn’t recognize you, you can still log into your computer.

Key Lemon Face Model Create

Step 7: Try your new login option! Use Windows key + ERROR key combination to lock your screen and see if it works. Just sit in front of your camera and you’ll be logged in in no time. In fact, it worked so fast that I barely had time to snap the picture below. Otherwise, you can always sign in the usual way, using your Windows password.


Webcam login

Step 8: Even if you can successfully unlock your computer using this method, there are different ways to improve your face pattern to make this app work even better. To do so, start the KeyLemon Control Center application and select Improve below File.

Improved key lime face model


KeyLemon is a very easy way to make login simpler. I’ve been using it since I discovered it and can’t go back to the old simple password protection method to secure my computer.

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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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