Does Follow/Unfollow Work on Pinterest?

In short – yes, the follow/unfollow method works on Pinterest. The follow/unfollow method is one of the most controversial methods you can use to increase your social media followers.

It is also the most used method in social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter; for a good cause.

This is because this method has the potential to increase your followers greatly.

However, this method is highly controversial for several reasons.

What Makes the Follow/Unfollow Method Controversial

First, if you use this method, chances are you’re following a random group of users, or possibly people in your niche.

Either way, only a small percentage of them will actually track you back. Use an analogy – you are tossing a coin. If it hits your head, the user will follow you back. If it’s in free fall, the user won’t track you back.

However, is the follow back ratio really 50/50?

If you’re looking for some stats on users who will follow you back on Pinterest (from the follow/unfollow method), stick with it as we’ve tested this with a month old account.

Second, you only follow those users for the sake of re-following. In other words, you don’t care what they post.

Ultimately, people using this method are less likely to engage with any of your posts because they are not interested in what you share or post.

Some people are very meticulous about how much interaction you give them and will unfollow you if you don’t interact with them.

On Instagram alone, there are many apps that track your engagement rate.

While this strategy works, it doesn’t work in the long run. This is because most people you randomly follow are more likely to unfollow you in the future.

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There is actually another method, ‘track to follow’, which is less malicious than the follow/unfollow method.

This is because its general rule is that once you are following someone, you should keep following.

Check out that method here.

Should you use this method to increase your Pinterest followers?

In Pinterest, followers don’t really matter.

There are some accounts that may have millions of monthly viewers but only a few thousand followers!

However, it establishes authority and attracts more users to follow you. So if you have the time, investing in increasing your followers is a good idea.

That being said, you should focus on creating well-designed pins with click-worthy texts that people are actually looking for. Content is king.

In a word on Pinterest, pins are king.

Follow/unfollow the case study

We created a new Pinterest account and have been trying the follow/unfollow method for about a month.

Here are our results:

In less than a month, we followed around 500 users and 300 of them followed back (rounded to 100).

Using simple math, 300/500 x 100 = 60.

This means that of the 500 people we followed, 60% of them actually followed back!

That’s a follow-up rate of 60%. If you put other social media platforms into context, then Pinterest has one of the highest following rates.

It is noteworthy that we used a strategy that contributed to high follow and follow rates. However, it only contributes minimally to it.

Here are our findings:

Pinterest has no strict tracking limits

Unlike social media platforms like Instagram that will block you from following too many users, Pinterest doesn’t actually penalize users for doing so.

For example, if you follow multiple users on Instagram, you will be blocked from action for an hour, a day, or even a few days.

However, on Pinterest, even if you follow multiple concurrent users, there won’t be any restrictions or even pop-ups notifying you that your actions are blocked or being tracked too fast.

Instead, Pinterest fixes this by not registering the number of users you followed in one go to their database.

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This isn’t too effective as you can resume your next game a few minutes later.

As a result, you can spam the latter feature more on Pinterest than most social media platforms.

In other words, the follow/unfollow method is highly effective on Pinterest. However, that being said, don’t be a fool and unfollow a user as soon as you follow them.

Going against the literal opposite of following/unfollowing, you should only unfollow a user if there is a good reason.

How we managed to get a high follow rate

There is a simple trick we used to get more followers and more followers.

You can also use this trick right away!

Here’s the tip:

Write ‘I Follow Back’ in your display name (or something similar).

Here are some examples:

This trick gained us a lot of followers, simply by putting “follow people back!” in our display name.

Here are a few other examples:

As you can see, there are actually many other users who put “I follow back” on their display name and you can really increase your followers and increase your follow rate by using this This.

Here’s a short guide to doing this:

Pinterest profile > edit info > display name > done.

First, navigate to your Pinterest profile, then click ‘Edit Info’.

Then, navigate to “Display Name” and edit your display name to include “I Follow Back” in parentheses.

Then click ‘Done’.

And that’s it! People are more likely to follow you because it’s almost certain that you’ll follow them back because you’ve included ‘I follow back’ in your display name.

Follow users in your niche

You should never follow users randomly because there is a high chance that they will not follow you back!

Instead, follow users in your niche. In other words, keep an eye on your competitors’ followers.

For example, if you’re posting social media marketing related pins, you might want to do a quick search using relevant keywords in that particular niche to find your competitors. mine.

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Then click on whichever pin is most relevant to your niche and navigate as follows:

Click on the pin > their username > community > followers.

And follow their followers (active analytics friends).

It’s generally a good idea to follow users who already have a decent following or who have “I Follow Back” on their display name as they are more likely to follow you back.


The follow/unfollow method works especially well on Pinterest compared to other social media platforms.

However, there are some guidelines you must follow to get the most out of it.

  1. Don’t follow users randomly. Instead, follow users in your niche. You can do so by searching for the right keywords related to your niche and keeping an eye on your competitors’ followers.
  2. Follow up with users in short bursts or 5-10 minute intervals. This is to prevent your followers from being unsubscribed in Pinterest’s database.

If you follow the steps and instructions listed in this article, your follower and follow back rates will skyrocket exponentially.

Struggling with growing your Instagram followers? Stop paying agencies that ask for your Instagram password or growth services that use bots or fake followers. Followchain is the only solution you need. Sign up and create a free account today.

Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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