Booming Industries In Ghana

There are a number of industries that are growing at a rapid rate in Ghana at the moment. Because the world economy, in general, is currently in a growth mindset, it has allowed countries that are a little bit smaller economically to thrive. Ghana is one such country. Here we take a look at just what Ghana has going on at the moment.

Sports betting

This is an industry that has grown steadily in recent times. There are many reasons for this but one of the biggest is sports betting being completely legal in Ghana. This means that players can enjoy betting on different sports without having to worry about being prosecuted or punished. That’s not the end of why it’s growing at the moment, though.

Most sports betting sites are available on mobile as well as desktop. Most people in Ghana use the internet through their mobile, which makes sports betting something that’s available to most people instantly, from anywhere. As such it’s particularly popular as a pastime.

Overseas leagues on TV

This is a huge one. Ghanaians are hugely supportive of different sports leagues from around the world. One of the biggest examples is the Premier League. With the influx of rich owners making it the most popular football league in the world, it’s no surprise that Ghana has a lot of EPL football fans in its midst. They might not travel to see the games, but they spend a significant amount of money on kit and other regalia. They’re hugely passionate and follow their teams as best they can.

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This is evident in how some Ghanaians love watching their favourite teams over the course of the season, regardless of whether they are winning or not. It doesn’t end with the EPL, either. Cricket is also very popular with citizens of Ghana. They will happily watch the IPL, probably the most exciting form of cricket, and this is the form of the game that gets the best following.

All of this makes the sports TV industry a huge market that is rapidly growing. This also obviously links into the previous point, as people who like to bet on sports also like to watch the games that they have bet on, on TV.


This is an area that is almost always booming in any country in the world. Ghana is a country that is looking to grow its economy and improve the standard of living for its people. This is why the infrastructure of the country is highly important.

Companies that provide infrastructure services are growing very quickly – this is due to the large amount of business that is available to these companies. They regularly have lots of work available and so can afford to pay high wages to employees, as well as choose the very best jobs that are available.

As the country seeks to expand and the economy grows as a result, it will be no surprise if this industry keeps growing for a long time into the future.


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