Best classes for PvE & PvP (June 2023)

Everyone who plays Lost Ark could do with taking a look at a tier list of the best classes for PvE and PvP, as the meta can change from update to update, altering the game’s class hierarchy.

Whether you’re new to the MMO action RPG or a seasoned player, it can be hard to keep track of where the meta is in any given month. So read on for our Lost Ark tier list, covering the best classes for PvP and PvE in 2023.

What classes are in Lost Ark? All listed subclasses

Lost Ark classes screenshotClick to enlarge

Currently, there are a total of five classes in Lost Ark, with 23 subclasses at the time of writing. Subclasses are essentially a version of the class with specialized abilities.

Choosing your class in Lost Ark is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in the game, and it will have a huge impact on your playstyle.

Below you’ll find all of the classes listed below along with a walkthrough of their abilities to help you decide.

It’s worth noting that some classes included here may not be available in your game depending on the region you live in. New classes are still leaking into the North American and European versions of Lost Ark.





Melee characters with less agility but more strength.

  • Berserker – Uses a greatsword and can enter burst mode for increased attack and movement.
  • Paladin – Support/melee role that uses holy abilities with the holy book. He can also wield a sword.
  • Gunlancer – Tank role made to take hits from the front lines with its big shields and ranged weapons.
  • Destroyer – Uses a large hammer made for crowd control. They also have powers to control gravity.
  • Assassin – A melee warrior with burst mode, a special ability that deals increased damage.

Martial artist

These characters are built for speed and quick successive attacks on the battlefield.

  • Striker – Equipped with elemental abilities and aerial combos.
  • Wardancer – Has anti-gravity elemental powers that can be used in battle.
  • Scrapper – He wears a heavy gauntlet and has a good balance of defensive and offensive abilities.
  • Soulfist: uses melee and ranged attacks. They also use an energy called Adamance, which can be used for abilities.
  • Glaivier: Use two fighting stances with a spear and a glaive.


Sniper ranged characters who use guns or bows.

  • Gunslinger – This is an agile class with multiple weapon options.
  • Gunner – This subclass specializes in larger weapons with more firepower. They have heavy armor, high destruction but are less agile.
  • Deadeye – This subclass has charisma and a large arsenal that includes a double pistol, shotgun, and rifle.
  • Sharpshooter – Stealthy ranged characters who use mechanical bows with arrows equipped with bonus effects.
  • Machinist – This subclass has a high-powered drone that he can use to score critical attacks, and a Hypersync tech suit.


These are your standard magic-focused classes that can offer support or damage.

  • Bard: Using instruments, the bard can damage enemies or heal allies with magic. They are more geared towards a support role.
  • Sorceress – This class can handle more enemies at once and use spells focused on one of three elements.
  • Arcanist: This class uses a deck of cards to summon powerful magic.
  • Summoner: This subclass can summon elemental spirits to fight for them in battle.


Assassin classes are primarily melee characters, known for their fast combat and stealth. They also dabble in dark and demonic powers.

  • Shadowhunter – This subclass can shapeshift into other demonic forms for increased speed, health, and powers.
  • Deathblade: This subclass specializes in dual wielding; they have two double swords and a larger longsword and can perform critical combo attacks.
  • Reaper: Reapers can turn invisible and sneak up on enemies.


These classes use the ancestral powers of the Yoz race, to use elemental abilities.

Artist: The Artist can summon beasts and attack enemies with brush and ink. They also have illusion and powerful healing abilities.

  • If the Sharpshooter subclass has caught your eye, check out our guide to the Lost Ark Sharpshooter build here and how to get the most out of it.

Lost Ark PvE Tier List

Promotional image of various classes featured in our Lost Ark tier listClick to enlarge

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Here are all the classes in Lost Ark ranked based on their performance in PvE gameplay. They are ranked from S level, for the best classes, to A and B, and so on.

Lost Ark is a fairly balanced game between the many characters, so while some may be a bit better than others, don’t be discouraged if your favorite isn’t as tall as you’d like. There are no bad or useless classes in the game.

SArtist, Paladin, Bard, Sorceress, Gunner, Arcanist, Summoner, Deathblade, Scrapper
TOBerserker, Destroyer, Gunslinger, Glaivier, Striker, Wardancer, Gunslinger, Reaper, Shadowhunter
B.Deadeye, Soulfist
C.machinist, sniper
  • If the Bard subclass has caught your eye, check out our Lost Ark Bard build guide here and how to get the most out of it.

Lost Ark PvP Tier List

Promotional image of players fighting each other in Lost Ark PvPClick to enlarge

Below is our Lost Ark tier list for PvP play. Character strengths are different when it comes to playing against other players, so not all classes are as good in one category as they are in the other.

If you’re looking to take on other players, here are the classes to do it:

SPaladin, Gunslinger, Deathblade, Shadowhunter
TODestroyer, Glaivier, Striker, Wardancer, Artillerist, Sorceress, Summoner, Reaper
B.Bard, Berserker, Gunslinger, Scrapper, Soulfist, Deadeye, Artist, Arcanist
C.machinist, sniper

That is everything you need to know about the best classes to play in Lost Ark for PvE and PvP.

If you want to learn more about playing as a Paladin subclass, check out our Lost Ark Paladin builds guide here and how to get the most out of them.

Categories: Gaming

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