All Skull and Bones special editions explained

Skull and Bones is the new co-op pirate adventure from Ubisoft, and alongside the Standard Edition, it’s got a fancier, Premium Edition version available for gamers to buy.

If you’re still on the fence and are trying to figure out which edition of Skull and Bones to buy, fret not, as we’ve got a rundown of the game’s fancier version and what makes it stand out from the base game.

Skull and Bones Premium Edition explained

If you’re after the Premium Edition of Skull and Bones, it’ll cost you anywhere between $90 and $110 depending on which storefront you purchase it from.

Skull and Bones' premium edition contents.Click to enlarge

Here are the contents of the Premium Edition:

  • Base game
  • Three days of early access
  • The Ballad of Bloody Bones Collection, which includes:
    • Bloody Bones Captain outfit
    • Helm Decor, Mast Trophy, Wheel, and eright other Ashen Corsair ship ornaments
  • Two additional missions
    • The Ashen Corsair
    • Bloody Bones’ Legacy
  • The Art of Skull and Bones digital artbook
  • Selected game soundtrack
  • Smuggler Pass Token

You can also grab the Ubisoft+ edition of the Premium Edition, which is the cheapest version of the Premium Edition.

What other editions of Skull and Bones are there?

A sea monster in Skull and Bones.Click to enlarge

If you’re not interested in the Premium Edition of Skull and Bones, you can always just purchase the Standard Edition of the game, which will cost you $60/£50 depending on your region. Of course, this is just the base version without any of the additional bells and whistles that ship with the Premium Edition.

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You can also grab the Ubisoft+ edition of the Premium Edition, which is being sold for less than the regular Premium Edition.

What’s more, when preordering any edition, you’ll also get a selection of goodies in the form of the Highness of the High Sea Pack, which includes the Coronation Firework and Notoriey Garb.

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For more Skull and Bones, check out our homepage. Additionally, find out the system requirements for the game here if you’re not sure if your PC can run it.

Categories: Gaming

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