6 Cool Tips for Streaming Pre-recorded Videos

Pre-recorded Videos


  • Pre-recorded videos reduce the chances of technical glitches that may occur while recording a live video. 
  • Editing and formatting video content efficiently becomes easier with software that has useful features for the creators. 
  • You can plan, prepare, edit, and schedule your work even when you are busy which means higher follower retention. 
  • Looping your videos makes your original video longer which maintains viewer engagement. 

Live broadcasts always seem more interesting to users of social platforms in terms of their reality and the possibility of interacting with their idols online. On the other hand, this kind of social activity is often disrupted. 

It is also common for content creators to deviate from the script, losing the interest of the viewers. All these problems can be easily solved by broadcasting pre-recorded videos that you can edit, cut unwanted fragments, etc. 

This article talks about the format of such videos in detail and shares relevant recommendations for creating and promoting them.

Why Should You Consider Pre-Recording?

You must have noticed that many of those you follow on Instagram regularly encountered the same problems repeatedly when conducting live broadcasts: awkward silence, pixel fragments, fuzzy diction. This all can work in favor of a blogger only if they want to create trash content. 

In all other situations, it is better to be able to prepare for the stream in advance so that no external and internal factors become an obstacle to creating an ideal video material.

At the same time, you must take into account the fact that online streaming always attracts the maximum number of viewers. But that’s achievable if everything goes according to the script and looks and sounds really cool. 

However, when launching such a broadcast, you may encounter a number of technical malfunctions like prolonged silence, lack of active actions, etc. – in general, everything that we wrote about above. 

Things like these can make your viewers turn off the stream and choose another blogger who provides them with more entertainment and emotions (fortunately or not, viewers have a lot of options to choose from today). You wouldn’t want that, would you?

To avoid these problems, such an option as loading a pre-recorded video and looping it was invented. At the same time, it’s still being broadcast using the intra-platform LIVE feature. 

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Thus, you will get the maximum profit without making huge efforts related to the entertainment of the public “here and now”. All you have to do is upload the previously recorded (and possibly edited) video at the time that suits you and enjoy it.

Please, note that by default, Instagram does not have the option to download already recorded video content within it, you can only stream online. Therefore, to use previously recorded videos, you will have to use additional software. What is this software, we will tell you in the next paragraph.

Now let’s move on to practical recommendations. 

6 Hacks to Maximize Your Target Engagement

In fact, you must understand that there is no Felix Felicis recipe that you will receive fame and recognition by drinking. Only consistency, patience, and, of course, diligence will lead you to this. On the other hand, some tricks from experienced bloggers can shorten your path to success.

So, what are these magical tips? Let’s find out right now.

Run Pre-recorded Videos When You are Busy 

About a third of social platform users regularly watch live broadcasts. However, what exactly makes them choose the particular bloggers? 

In fact, the answer is simple: it is the regularity of their live broadcasts. Indeed, understanding when your subscribers should expect something fresh from you will make them your regular viewers and build their loyalty. 

Probably, have ready-made recorded video material. In addition to creating new work, you might be busy with your main work. In the end, at a particular moment, you just may not have enough imagination to come up with something worthwhile for a new video, or you may not look the way you would like. 

However, if you are aiming to turn video blogging into a source of income, such downtime can significantly reduce the interest of your subscribers, and when you have the strength and time, your new stream risks gathering an insufficient number of viewers. 

You can overcome this challenge by preparing video content beforehand and uploading it to a live broadcast. This is how you can slowly develop a work strategy for a week or even a month in advance without worrying that your audience will forget you if you do not offer them something interesting and new in time. 

FUN FACT80% of live stream viewers will watch a stream from a brand rather than read its blog. And therefore, every pre-recorded video that is without any technical snag is so relevant. 

Think Through the Scenario from Start to Finish

No matter how well adapted you are for live interaction with your audience, the lack of a script can still play a cruel joke on you and make you act against the image that you created after years of hard work.

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In turn, to avoid such situations, prepare a detailed script describing reactions to sometimes tricky questions from your audience. If the response to comments is not expected, you can even prepare the video content in advance to be able to re-record as many takes as you need. This will allow you to look as professional as possible.

By the way, what do experienced Instagram bloggers mean by the concept of a script? In general, this is not only the sequence of your actions behind your camera. It’s also how you look, how you talk, what facial expressions you use, and even how often and at what time you encourage your viewers to buy something you promote, like your post, or leave a comment under it. 

In particular, after the first take, you may notice that everything did not go as smoothly as you expected. In turn, the ability to download pre-recorded video helps to create as many takes as necessary to complete your video with everything that you specified in the script.

Insure Yourself Against Technical Failures

Despite the fact that live interaction with the target audience brings maximum profit, it makes sense to alternate it with pre-recorded videos. The reason is that none of the bloggers will ever be able to insure themselves against possible technical failures. 

Especially those videos that last more than 90 seconds might show some lags, after which half of the viewers usually leave the live broadcast forever (alas, these are the statistics). In turn, previously recorded videos help you avoid these problems. 

Moreover, pre-recording can be the only option for high-quality transmission of information to your audience when it comes to broadcasting. It includes VIP events that, due to poor streaming quality, may not be as valuable to your viewers as you would like.  

With pre-recorded videos for live streaming, you can surpass the technical glitches and make it more creative. The graph below shows how valuable is live streaming for different social media brands. 

Percentage of Viewers Using Live Video Streaming on Different Social Media Platforms 

Take Advantage of Social Platform Algorithm Principles

Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. always favor live features in terms of discovery. In particular, the LIVE badge of your video will appear in your followers’ feeds ahead of other types of work. Thus forming a sense of urgency. If you upload ready-made matter there as often as possible, it will pay off in full.

Also, live content is subject to some specialized algorithms. In particular, content that regularly gains large user activity (views, likes, and comments) literally “promotes” its owner’s profile. 

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It ensures its more frequent appearance in all possible recommendations within the Instagram platform itself. Thus, active interaction with users during your live streams using pre-recorded videos can become an integral part of promoting your Instagram account as a whole.

Schedule Your Broadcasts the Right Way

Each of the social platforms that allow live broadcasts has its own indicators of maximum user activity. It may vary for audiences of different countries, gender, age, and other demographic characteristics. This must be taken into account when you choose the time to start the broadcasts.

This is especially handy with previously recorded videos, as all you have to do is schedule a time for your pre-made work to be broadcast to your audience.

Loop Your Pre-recorded Videos

Initially, looping in pre-recorded videos may seem like an unnecessary thing to you. So, what does looping give you in practice? The answer is very simple: you will make your streams as long as you need without any effort.

In addition to the fact that you can stream using ready-made videos, their duration will be maximized by looping. Thus, your stream will be seen by as many users as possible from different time zones. 

For this, you can use Gyre.pro: which helps to loop your pre-recorded broadcasts and, thus, save yourself the reinvention of the wheel for new viewers.

Also, this feature is convenient for brands that promote their products – in this case, everyone will know about your products and not lose sight of any of the items.

Final Thoughts

If you have not yet considered broadcasting pre-recorded videos as a way to increase engagement and reach your target audience, now is the time to do it! Just give it a try, and you will see how the user activity on your profile grows. 

And of course, do not forget to use specialized software for this purpose since the default functionality of Instagram does not allow you to bring your plans to life.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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