Why Won’t Instagram Let Me Follow People?

Why doesn’t Instagram let me follow people? If you have this question, you are not alone.

Many people face this problem on Instagram on a daily basis and it is extremely annoying.

You wanted to follow someone else but Instagram blocked you from doing so. Why is that?

This article will show you how to fix it and avoid it.

  • Why doesn’t Instagram let me follow people?
  • Fix: “Why won’t Instagram let me follow people?”
  • How to prevent errors

Why doesn’t Instagram let me follow people?

Instagram won’t let you follow people because you followed people too fast, you’ve reached your limit of 7,500 followers, your account is new, or Instagram is down.

These are also known as action blocks which usually last up to 24 hours.

There are a number of possible causes for Instagram to temporarily disable you from following others.

But don’t worry, the blocking isn’t permanent, it’s just a temporary restriction to prevent you from abusing the follow button.

Here are 3 reasons why Instagram doesn’t let you follow people:

1. You follow everyone too fast.

If you follow people too fast, (e.g. 30 users in 30 seconds), you will be blocked from action by Instagram.

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Just like other social media platforms, (e.g. Twitter, TikTok), their algorithms will detect that you are spamming and you will be temporarily disabled from following people another over a period of time.

These algorithms are developed to minimize bot activity and spam.

2. You have reached your limit of 7,500 followers.

You will have to be aware of the following limitation on Instagram.

Instagram allows you to follow up to 7,500 users.

If you’ve reached the latter limit of 7,500, you can’t follow people anymore until you start unfollowing others.

3. Your account is too new.

If you’ve just created a new Instagram account, you’ll be restricted from performing some actions compared to the old account.

Instagram ‘sanctions’ newer accounts to reduce spam and bot activity

So if you’re using a new account, make sure not to mass follow people, or you’ll be blocked from action.

Instead, use an older account to follow others.

4. Instagram is down

This is extremely rare as Instagram uptime is close to 100%.

Most of the time, the problem is on your side because Instagram’s algorithm has marked you as spam and temporarily disabled your ability to follow others.

But if you suspect that Instagram is not working, please visit their website Official Twitter account or use a down detector to fact check this.

How to re-follow people on Instagram

To be able to follow others on Instagram again, you need to wait.

Blocking can last for several hours, 24 hours or more depending on various factors.

Users who are blocked from acting will eventually be able to follow others again, it’s only a matter of time.

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There are two types of action blocks—one with a stopwatch and one without.

If you happen to get the one with the stopwatch, the error message will state the duration of the action block.

Unfortunately, if you take the one without the error, you won’t be able to tell how long the blocking lasts.

If that’s the case, you’ll typically have to wait up to 24 hours to follow people back on Instagram.

In rare cases, blocks can last for several days.

How to prevent tracking block

To prevent errors from occurring, you need to stop following a large number of people at once and stop using third-party/automated applications.

Otherwise, you may be blocked from following others.

There are a few ways you can follow to avoid having people tracking disabled.

Follow these guidelines and you’ll never be blocked from acting again.

1. Stop following multiple people at once

Stop following others over and over again or you will be blocked from following more people!

Instead, follow the others for 5-10 minute intervals.

To avoid being blocked from following others, you will have to stop sending spam.

It is the number one cause of temporary disability for followers.

2. Stop using automated tools/apps

Do not use automated tools or applications to track others.

These tools and apps allow you to track people at a faster rate.

As a result, Instagram’s algorithm will mark you as spam and temporarily prevent you from following more people.


In short, you should avoid repeating the tracking of others.

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Social media platforms like Instagram have algorithms that minimize spam and bot activity.

This is to prevent spam on the platform.

Therefore, so that you are not blocked from acting; you will have to act like a human and follow the others for the time period.

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Action on Instagram blocked: How to fix and prevent? – https://www.followchain.org/instagram-action-block/.

Why can’t I see my watchlist on Instagram? – https://www.followchain.org/cant-see-following-list/.

PS If you enjoyed this article, please join our follower community to follow on Instagram: https://www.followchain.org — it’s free!

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies development and networking for Instagram users. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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