What is Katja Ažman Juvan’s Net Worth: Biography, Net Worth & more

Who is Katja Ažman Juvan?

According to our research, Katja Ažman Juvan is the mother of Slovenia professional tennis player Kaja Juvan. Kaja was born on 25 November 2000 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Katja Ažman Juvan was married to her husband Robert Juvan, who later passed on in 2023 after battling with cancer. The couple had a son called Mark Juvan. The siblings grew up with their parents in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Katja Ažman Juvan is an an interventional radiologist at UMC Ljubljana with mastery in worldwide malignant growth and hepatopancreatic-biliary imaging, according to her LinkedIn profile. She has been a supportive mother of her daughter’s career right from the beginning.

How many houses and cars does Katja Ažman Juvan have?

Katja Ažman Juvan has so far not revealed any such properties she has to the public. The celebrity mother does enjoy living a low-profile life off the media space so not much is available in respect to her personal life.

How much does Katja Ažman Juvan annually?

There is no information available regarding the annual earning of Katja Ažman Juvan. As an interventional radiologist, she definitely makes several tens of thousands to hundreds each and every year.

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How many businesses does Katja Ažman Juvan own?

As of now, no data has been made public regarding Katja Ažman Juvan businesses. It is not known if she owns any business ventures or have invested in any at this time.

What brands does Katja Ažman Juvan have?

Unknown if Katja Ažman Juvan has any brands to her name.

How many Investments does Katja Ažman Juvan have?

There are no data accessible in respect to investments Katja Ažman Juvan has.

How many Endorsement deals has Katja Ažman Juvan?

Katja Ažman Juvan does not have any endorsement deals.

How many charities has Katja Ažman Juvan donated to?

As of now, it is not known if Katja Ažman Juvan has donated to any charities as there is no data available.

How many Philanthropy works has Katja Ažman Juvan supported?

No information is available regarding Katja Ažman Juvan’s charitable initiatives at this time.

Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

Categories: News
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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