Use RecBoot To Force Your iPhone Into Recovery Mode

RecbootRestoring or updating your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch is not always as easy as it seems, especially if you are not used to playing around with your iOS device. This is exactly why we have posted several helpful tutorials, so you don’t have to do the hard work all by yourself.

For example, we already posted a couple of in-depth tutorials on how to put your iPhone in Recovery mode and how to get it out of Recovery mode in case you needed to. Now, we are going to show you how to put you iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch into Recovery mode using Recboot (UPDATE: This tool is not available anymore but check the box below), a very popular and easy to use tool that should make this process completely painless even if you don’t have much technical knowledge.

Solve iPhone Boot Problems With Tenorshare: RecBoot is not available anymore but you could try Tenorshare ReiBoot and see if it works. We have not tried the tool yet so cannot comment how good or bad it is, but they claim to solve a number of iPhone recovery mode issues on their website, so you might want to give it a shot.

(Note: This was a sponsored placement)

Additionally, using this software will allow you to enable Recovery mode even if your iPhone’s Home or Power buttons don’t work, which is definitely a plus if your device malfunctions.

Let’s start:

Step 1: Download and install Recboot. Here is the Windows version and here is the Mac version (click the Recboot link). Once installed, open the app.

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Recboot I Phone1

Step 2: Plug in your iPhone or other iOS device and once it is recognized, click on Enter Recovery Mode.

Recboot I Phone Recognized 21

You are done!

Note: If you would like to take your device out of Recovery mode, all you need to do is just click on Exit Recovery Mode on the Recboot window.

While we are talking about software, TinyUmbrella is another great application that performs in a very similar way to Recboot. That is what we talked about in our post on getting your iPhone out of Recovery mode, which we linked to in the second paragraph.

Needless to say, you should always understand the processes of updating and restoring your iOS devices before applying them, and even then you should always exercise caution when updating or restoring your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. We claim no responsibility if you damage your device in the process, because at the end of the day, this isn’t our software even though we’ve tested it.

Let us know in the comments if this app worked well for you or if you run into any problems while trying to update or restore your device.

Categories: How to

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