Them Season 2 Ending Explained, Cast, Review and More

The conclusion of Them Season 2 by Amazon Studios and what it means for the show’s main killer and hero is a lot to consider.

The latest season of the Prime Video series not only has a ton of twists and turns, but it also creates a distinct, horrifying world for its plot to reside in and makes a natural connection to the previous seasons.

The revelation that Edmund is The Scare, a paranormal murderer connected to his horrific background, occurs after Them Season 2.

Them Season 2 Ending Explained

The plot of Them Season 2 concludes with Edmund being identified as The Scare, a supernatural killer. This disclosure connects his transformation into the red-headed menace that stalks Los Angeles to his horrific experiences and meetings with a demonic entity.

Dawn, Edmund’s long-separated twin, confronts him in the season’s finale. Dawn starts to recall their common history, including their cruel foster mother and the pain they went through together, as they confront one another.

Dawn makes an unexpected decision rather than acting out of fear or rage. She acknowledges their relationship, shows love and sadness for Edmund, and apologizes for neglecting him.

Edmund begins to bend and shatter like his other victims as the creature fades, signifying the end of his horror campaign. Detective McKinney was confronted by Dawn, and as a result of her actions, she found out that she was corrupt. After that, she cleared her name by providing Internal Affairs with evidence of his wrongdoing, demonstrating that she had done nothing wrong.

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Them Season 2 Cast

Deborah AyorindeDetective Dawn Reeve
Pam GrierAthena Reeve
Luke JamesEdmund Gaines
Joshua J. WilliamsKelvin “Kel” Reeve
Jeremy BobbDetective Ronald McKinney

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Them Season 2 Review

The second season of Them follows LAPD detective Dawn Reeve as she looks into a murder that occurred in a foster family during the 1990s. This season aims to strike a balance between artistic merit and mass appeal by incorporating elements of a crime thriller against a politically sensitive backdrop. It’s clear that the show is making an effort to address societal concerns including racism.

The Scare, as the embodiment of the horror element, is unable to provide consistent scares or to successfully use the mechanics of the horror genre to convey commentary. As Dawn Reeve, Deborah Ayorinde gives a remarkable performance that gives her character depth and subtlety.

Nevertheless, the eight-episode series feels too long for the narrative it tells. Even if Pam Grier’s role isn’t fully used, her presence makes the show more appealing. The visual design of horror in Season 2 is excellent, with some well-executed technological flourishes that could interest fans of the genre.

Where to Watch Them Season 2?

The second season of Them is now available for free streaming on Prime Video for Prime members and subscribers. You may watch all eight of the season’s episodes online. To see Them: The Scare and other Prime Video material, if you’re not already a Prime member, you may sign up for a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime.


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