The Mystique of Japanese Geisha and Their Role in Japanese Culture

Japan is a country known for its vibrant culture and the way it knows how to knit it with modern times and cutting-edge technology. If you quickly think of a few things from Japan’s past, samurai, ninjas, and Geisha will certainly come to mind.

While ninjas and samurai are no longer an integral part of society, Geisha maintained their place. If you’ve always wanted to learn more about this Japanese symbol connected to dance, music, beauty, and protocol, this is your chance. 

What, Exactly, is a Geisha?

The most accurate way to define a Geisha is to call them a Japanese female performance artist. Individuals traditionally hired them to entertain guests at various social events. Often Geisha are linked to less-honorable forms of entertainment but this is an incorrect comparison.

Being a Geisha is a serious business, and every woman wanting to get this role has to serve a lengthy apprenticeship. The skills required for the job are not simple to master. The apprentice is called a “maiko”, and it takes around five years to gather all the skills, etiquette, and techniques to make the step toward being a Geisha. 

The actual word Geisha is formed from two kanji characters. 芸 that stands for “gei” (meaning arts or entertainment), and 者 meaning “sha” (person). In other words, if you want to briefly describe a Geisha, you can call her a person of arts.

Geishas are Not Sex Workers

There is a lot of confusion in the Western world about what exactly a Geisha does. This comes, primarily, because following the 16th century, some Geisha started working in the same pleasure quarters as oiran. 

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In Japanese history, Oiran (花魁) referred to prestigious courtesans. They were held in higher regard than common prostitutes, known as yūjo (遊女, meaning ‘women of pleasure’), due to their exceptional entertainment abilities and training in traditional arts.

So, to set things apart once and for all, yūjo were the prostitutes, Oiran stands for something in between a sex worker and a Geisha that only trades in the art of beauty, conversation, and entertainment.

Another misconception about Geisha and their occupation comes from their relationship with their Danna. The five years of training to become a Geisha requires kimonos, makeup, instruments, and other costly items. Since the girls spend most of their time perfecting their trade, there’s simply no time to work or support themselves. That’s where Danna showed up, being a man of great means that would financially support Geisha’s livelihood. However, the relationship between Geisha and Danna wasn’t inherently romantic or sexual. 

Where Can You See a Geisha Nowadays?

Believe it or not, seeing a Geisha is not a difficult task. However, it’s one thing to see one and another to enjoy her services. If you want to fully experience the Geisha “treatment”, one must do a bit of research. Today there are only around 1,000 Geishas in Japan, so finding one will be the first priority.

You will find a few in Tokyo and Kanazawa. However, most of them work in Kyoto in present times. You will often see them attending gatherings at tea houses, or Ryōtei, a type of ultra-luxurious Japanese restaurant. 

If you’re not after the flesh-and-bone experience, you can observe Geishas in many of the slots inspired by this remarkable cultural phenomenon. While Japanese online casinos are still a thing of the future, many software providers draw inspiration from the fabulous Japanese culture to create incredible slot games to match the Geisha aesthetic.

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Can Geisha Marry or Have Children?

In Kyoto, Geisha who wish to get married must stop practicing their craft. This is not to make them more attractive to clients, but because being committed to their art is considered more important than having a husband. After all, a husband might get in the way of their art. However, in Kyoto, women can choose to form civil unions and have children without giving up their profession. In other parts of Japan, Geisha have been seen to get married, have families, and continue their work as a Geisha.

Of course, there are many hidden secrets about Geisha and their mystic origins. However, it’s important not to feel ashamed in any way if you’ve had false impressions about these women. Even Japanese people can get it wrong sometimes. For instance, some extreme feminists in the country consider that Geisha are being exploited. However, most women see themselves as liberated and independent. 

Categories: Biography

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