The effect of Nuclear Weapons on earth

Nuclear weapons are the most lethal, brutal, and indiscriminate weapons yet devised. They are unlike any other weapons in terms of the degree of damage they produce, as well as their uniquely persistent, spreading, genetically harmful radioactive fallout.

Millions of people could be killed by a single nuclear weapon detonated over a major city. The use of tens or hundreds of nuclear weapons would cause worldwide climate disruption and catastrophic hunger.

What happens if nuclear weapons are used?

Short-term effects

A single nuclear weapon can devastate a city and kill the majority of its inhabitants. A series of nuclear bombs over modern cities would kill tens of millions. A massive nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia would kill hundreds of millions of people.

The fireball from a nuclear explosion reaches its greatest magnitude in around 10 seconds. Massive amounts of energy are released during a nuclear explosion in the form of blast, heat, and radiation. A massive shockwave travels at hundreds of miles per hour.

The blast kills those nearby and causes lung injuries, ear damage, and internal bleeding further away. People are injured as a result of collapsing buildings and flying objects. Thermal radiation is so powerful that it vaporizes practically anything near ground zero.

The intense heat causes serious burns and sparks fires across a vast area, resulting in a massive firestorm. People in underground bunkers are also at risk of dying owing to a lack of oxygen and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Long-term effects

Long-term, nuclear weapons emit ionizing radiation, which kills or sickens those who are exposed, contaminates the environment, and has long-term health implications like as cancer and genetic damage. Their broad application in atmospheric testing has had serious long-term implications. According to doctors, 2.4 million people worldwide would die from diseases caused by atmospheric nuclear testing conducted between 1945 and 1980.

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