Stop Unnecessary Windows Process That Use CPU, Memory With JetBoost

When my computer was new, every game I installed on it gave me the best FPS (Frames Per Second) and graphics performance. Days passed and new games hit the market, FPS along with graphical details dropped. Soon, one day I had to manually close some Windows background processes like Explorer and Aero Display to play games the way they were meant to be played.

Not only do computer games experience a drop in performance, but many applications behave the same way.

Of course, closing some unnecessary background processes helped, but doing it manually is always time consuming, though not when terminating them but when the process has to be repeated over and over again. So let me introduce an application called JetBoost that can accomplish this task automatic thus saving me a considerable amount of time.

Download and install JetBoost on your system. After launching the program, you will see the main screen with a list of performance modes, a list of running processes and services. There are three performance modes available.



This mode is most suitable when you are working on software such as video ripper, video editor, 3D Max, etc., which require high CPU and memory consumption. The mode stops most of the unnecessary background processes so that the focused program can get more processing power.


Run this mode when you are about to play the game on your computer. No, I’m not talking about games like Angry Birds or Mafia Wars but Assassin’s Creed and Crysis.

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As the name suggests, you can customize this mode to your needs and choose the individual processes you want to terminate.

After you select the desired mode, click the Start button to boost and wait for the program to terminate the selected application and process.

Start strengthening1

After JetBoost confirms that all selected processes are finished, you can start working or playing at full CPU power. Once done, start the JetBoost application running in the background and click the Restore button.


The program will now roll back all the changes made on your system and leave it as if it was never touched.

My judgment

While this program may not be necessary for high-end computers that come with multiple processors, dedicated graphics cards, and 4 to 8 GB of RAM, if you are working on older machines that barely meet your Windows operating requirements, then you can definitely give JetBoost a try.

Check it out and let us know how it works for you in the comments.

Categories: How to

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