Release date, trailers, gameplay details & more

Alan Wake 2 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and we’ve got everything you need to know about the release date, gameplay, and all of the latest trailers too.

Alan Wake 2 releases 13 years after the first game, bringing our titular writer back to the action-horror-filled woods for further dangers. After the success of games like Control, it is fantastic to see Remedy return to a game like Alan Wake and give it the sequel that it deserves.

Ready to dive straight in? Check out everything you need to know about Alan Wake 2 below, as we’ve got all of the latest information.

When is the Alan Wake 2 Release Date?

An update from the Alan Wake 2 team: we’re moving Alan Wake 2’s launch from October 17 to October 27.

October is an amazing month for game launches and we hope this date shift gives more space for everyone to enjoy their favorite games.

We can’t wait to show you what everyone’s…

— Alan Wake 2 (@alanwake) August 17, 2023

The release date for Alan Wake 2 is scheduled for October 27th, 2023. While it was initially announced to be released on October 17, Remedy has stated that they have pushed it back 10 days to ‘give more space for everyone to enjoy their favourite games.’

This is of course in reference to the highly-packed month of October when it comes to video games, which also follows on from a full September. This date gives Alan Wake 2 more of a distinct spot in the calendar, which hopefully will lead to more players overall.

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Remedy CEO Tero Virtala had previously revealed that the game was in “full production” as part of the company’s financial results in February 2023.

“The game will soon have all content in place, and it is playable from start to finish,” Virtala explained (thanks, VGC).

“We will then move onto polishing the experience. Alan Wake is a unique brand that holds high value for the company today.”

It seems that the development of the game is going smoothly with the full release date now only a few months away.

Are there any Alan Wake 2 trailers?

The first trailer we had for Alan Wake 2 was the CGI reveal trailer. It featured Alan narrating over a camera slowly creeping forward between environments that change from a forest to a big city, and a small town.

It eventually reaches Alan who turns to face the camera and whispers, “this story is a monster” before it jump cuts to a scary blood-soaked face. The trailer gives off heavy horror vibes and looks like it’s set to be Remedy’s scariest outing yet.

Then, we got a second in-engine trailer for Alan Wake 2 at the PlayStation Showcase. Here, we got a much closer look at the main characters of the story, as well as some of the enemies we’ll encounter. The third trailer was the first to show actual gameplay and was released during the Summer Game Fest 2023.

Alan Wake 2 Gameplay

Alan Wake from the CG trailerClick to enlarge

Some comments from Sam Lake have illuminated a little about the experience so far. While he was being interviewed during The Game Awards, he said Alan Wake 2 would be a survival-horror game as opposed to the first, which was an action game with horror elements. He followed this up, stating it would be very psychological in nature with a deep, layered mystery.

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Like the first game, it’s third-person with an over-the-shoulder camera, featuring combat and exploration. Due to the survival horror focus this time, it may contain more puzzle-like elements, especially connected to the murder you’ll solve in the story.

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Alan Wake 2 story

A gameplay screenshot from Alan Wake 2Click to enlarge

Story-wise, we’ll be following Alan Wake and his partner Saga investigating a series of ritualistic murders in the Pacific North West of America. It was also confirmed that you would be playing both characters, and switching between them during the story at your own will. 

In an interview with IGN, he also commented on the M rating, saying it was “liberating to not make compromises or censor yourself with the content,” so we can expect the game to go in some pretty dark, and potentially twisted directions.

We also know it will be connected to the last Remedy title, Control, in some way, as both IPs are part of the Remedy Connected Universe. How clear the crossover will be remains to be seen, but it could range from a few references to a full-blown merger, where Control’s protagonist is part of the Alan Wake 2 story.

Alan Wake 2 Platforms

As a next-generation title, Alan Wake 2 will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and on PC it will be an Epic Games Store exclusive.

Here are all of the platforms that Alan Wake 2 will be available on:

  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC (Epic Games Store exclusive)
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As you can see, Alan Wake 2 is a current-gen only title, so you will have to upgrade your console (and potentially your PC too) if you want to reunite with your favourite writer.

So, that’s everything we know so far about Alan Wake 2, giving you the latest updates when it comes to the game’s release date, gameplay, trailers, platforms, and more.

For more on all of gaming’s latest upcoming titles, make sure to check out our releases homepage.

Categories: Gaming

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