Release date, leaked abilities & lore

The name Conduit has been tossed around Apex Legends for years, and it looks like Respawn Entertainment is finally ready to let the mysterious character loose. There are all sorts of leaks and theories as to who Conduit is and what she can do, but no one knows anything for sure until she shows up in Apex Legends.

This primer will detail everything we know so far about the battle royale-hero shooter’s newest character, Conduit.

Apex Legends Conduit: Release date

A promotional image for Conduit in Apex LegendsClick to enlarge

It’s believed that Conduit will debut in Season 19. If this turns out to be the case, Conduit will be the 25th character to enter the Apex Games. Season 19 and Conduit are expected to come out on October 31, 2023.

Apex Legends Conduit: Leaked abilities

Early leaks of Conduit's abilities in Apex LegendsClick to enlarge

Conduit has been in development dating back to 2019. With that, Conduit has almost certainly undergone extensive playtesting. In fact, multiple sets of Conduit abilities have leaked over the years leading up to Conduit’s anticipated release in Season 19, all revolving around Conduit’s persona as an Empathetic Shielder.

When Conduit first leaked, she was rumoured to possess the abilities listed below:

Passive: Capacitance

Like Wattson, Conduit regenerates shields over time. However, Conduit gets extra regen for each nearby ally. Holding Ally Banners also provides a bonus. To help Conduit take advantage of all her shield-based abilities, Conduit gets 50 extra shields by default, but her health only goes up to 50.

Tactical: Arc Flash

Target allies to transfer some of your shields to their shields.

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Ultimate: Alternating Current

Launches an arc cluster bomb that damages opponents in and around the blasts. Conduit receives a fraction of the damage dealt as healing to her shields.

More recently, the following abilities leaked for Conduit:

Passive: You’re Finished

Conduit can initiate automatic Finishers with her drone, kind of like Lifeline’s Combat Revive. Additionally, when Conduit dies, only her teammates can loot her armour.

Tactical: Bad Doctor

A deployable drone that drains nearby enemy’s health and shields at the same speed that Lifeline’s drone heals.

Ultimate: Stay Down

Akin to Crypto’s EMP, Conduit’s Ultimate cancels all revives and disables reviving for all foes hit by it for seven to ten seconds.

Conduit’s true kit will probably combine aspects of all these leaked abilities. With so much time spent developing and perfecting Conduit, her abilities have undoubtedly been experimented with and subjected to changes. Take these leaked abilities with a grain of salt, as Conduit’s official kit will likely share similarities to these ability sets, but not to a tee.

Apex Legends Conduit: Lore

Octane and Lifeline in Apex LegendsClick to enlarge

There are a few ideas as to who Conduit really is, each more interesting than the next. 

Originally, it was thought that Conduit might be Mila Alexander, Crypto’s foster sister. Lately, references to Mila have appeared in-game and in Apex Legends videos, trailers, and books. This would explain Conduit’s infatuation with electricity and shields.

Another theory is that Conduit is one of Catalyst’s friend’s alter ego, Big Sister. Big Sister is the leader of a gang on Gaea and has unfinished business with Rampart.

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Finally, the latest hypothesis is that Conduit is the child of Lifeline and Octane, but from 20 years in the future. This theory suggests that Conduit stole Lifeline’s tech and modified it for time travel, creating the Time Gauntlet from Titanfall 2. Conduit uses the Time Gauntlet to go back in time and try to stop Lifeline and Octane from competing in the Apex Games and force them to devote their attention to her instead.

These theories might sound farfetched, but they’re backed by reputable Apex Legends leakers with a history of leaking things early! But, like with any leaks, there’s always a chance these theories are way off, and Conduit is someone else entirely.

That’s everything we know about Conduit so far. There are a lot of different theories surrounding Conduit, so much so that some think this could be another Forge incident. Are these leaks just red herrings, or does the truth lie somewhere in all the hokeypokey?

We will learn more about Conduit’s identity and abilities in the days leading up to Season 19 on October 31, 2023.

Stay tuned at TRAN HUNG DAO School for more Apex Legends content!

Categories: Gaming

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