How long will Assassin’s Creed Mirage be?

With Assassin’s Creed Mirage Getting closer to the October 12 release date, you’ll want to know how long the game will be and what the expected playtime should be.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is set to take the series back to its classic action-adventure formula, ditching the massive RPG focus of origins, Odysseyand Valhalla of the last years.

While players initially complained about AC too attached to its roots, the discourse surrounding it has come full circle, with fans looking forward to the stripped-down nature of the next game. So he looks how long Assassin’s Creed Mirage it is expected to be.

Do we know the duration of Assassin’s Creed Mirage?

a promotional image of Assassin's Creed MirageClick to enlarge

Obviously, as the game is still some time away, we don’t have exact playtime figures based on our experience, but the developers recently did an AMA on Reddit which yielded more information on the length of the game.

Discussion comment by u/Sarah_Beaulieu Hi, this is Stephane Boudon, Sarah Beaulieu, and Jean-Luc Sala, developers of Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Ask us anything! in assassin creed

In response to a question about how long it will take to complete the game, Narrative Director Sarah Beaulieu said: “In terms of play time, we’re closer to the first AC games.”

While this is not an exact figure on the length of the game, we can make an educated guess about the Assassin’s Creed Mirage game time by looking at the duration of the oldest games.

assassin’s creed 2 it was about 20 hours long for those who followed the main story, with the follow up, Fraternity, arriving a little below 15 hours. For both games, the duration could reach 30-35 hours if you were involved in a lot of the secondary content.

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How long will Assassin’s Creed Mirage last?

With this in mind, we would expect Assassin’s Creed Mirage be more or less the same based on Beaulieu’s comments, coming in at 15-25 hours for the main story. Much less than recent titles, for sure.

We’ll only know more when we get closer to launch and get our hands on the game, so we’ll be sure to update this with the exact numbers then.

For now, that’s our explainer of how long Assassin’s Creed Mirage it’s slated to be, and now you know to expect at least 15 hours of playtime.

For more Assassin’s Creed guides stay on TRAN HUNG DAO School.

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