Nana Quasi-Wusu embarks on BlakTrip with His fanbase “Blaklaaa Movement”

As proudly seeing the Artiste fan base organizing events and other activities to unite and educate themselves, hardly do Ghanaians witness media personalities organizing their fans for any activity related to educational trips or mentorship.

However, Nana Quasi-Wusu (PM) the Drive time host on GMABC – Y97.9fm in Takoradi and an event MC has defied the odds to organize his first fan base trip which was aimed at igniting unity and coherence in the *Blaklaaa Movement*.


“Blaklaaa “ which simply means “*proud to be Black* is a jargon coined by Nana Quasi-Wusu on 21st April 2014. A skin color activist whose dream is to educate Africans to wholly accept the beauty of being black, patronizing Made in Africa goods and Empowering the youth to be Legal Hustlers, and he conceptualized this movement with a vision for a stronger, more self-affirming African identity.

In the maiden edition of this memorable trip, the group visited Kakum National Park and Elmina Castle with a first-class road transport system which is now the talk of town attracting the attention of others.

What set this experience apart was not just the destinations but the means of travel. The group opted for a first-class road transport system, designed to ensure comfort and safety, which quickly became the talk of the town, attracting the attention and admiration of others.

This groundbreaking initiative wasn’t just about tourism; it was about forging lasting bonds and building a community that transcends virtual interactions. The palpable energy of the participants reflected not just excitement but a shared commitment to the values espoused by the Blaklaaa Movement.

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The impact of this trip extends beyond the physical boundaries of the locations visited. It reverberates in the online space, where the Blaklaaa Movement, with its burgeoning social media presence (@Blaklaaagh), continues to resonate. The community is evolving into a platform for sharing stories, fostering dialogue, and mobilizing positive action.

As this movement gains momentum, Nana Quasi-Wusu’s vision of a united, proud, and empowered African diaspora becomes increasingly tangible. The Blaklaaa Movement is not just a fan base; it’s a cultural revolution, a call to embrace one’s identity, and a catalyst for positive change. Stay tuned to @Blaklaaagh for more exciting updates as this movement continues to grow and inspire.

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