Milfy City Walkthrough

In Milfy City, you can play as a college student navigating a city of women.

You rented a house with other students and asked your professor for a date but got rejected.

Meet a wide range of ladies, enjoy animations, discover secrets, and more.

Build relationships, enjoy puzzles, and receive text messages in this dating simulator.

There are over 10,000 static images, 800 animated scenes, and hours of gameplay.

This article contains the Milfy City full walkthrough guide by ICSTOR (v0.71) for Linda, Sara, Caroline, Zuri, and more.

Milfy City Walkthrough


Relation Level – 1 

– Visit her in the morning in the living room (3 Times)

– Clean the dishes in the kitchen in the morning

– Use the “Spy Camera” to check her in the bathroom in the evening (3 times, optional)

     – The Spy Camera is available in the shop

– Ask her husband 3 times for money

     – Get the money from Bob three times, so you can get to Linda’s office

– Talk to her in the morning/afternoon in her bedroom

– Spy on her at night. (2 times)

– Visit her in the morning in the living room 

– Visit her in the morning in the kitchen (Liza story unlocked!)

– Check the book on the shelf in her bedroom in the evening (Optional, afterward – Spy on her at night x2 times)

– Speak with her in her bedroom (Required – Ask her husband 3 times for money)

– Wait one day 

– Visit her in her workplace (+Money afternoon)

– Talk to her in her bedroom in the morning (New message at night from Linda)

– Wait one day

– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon (New message in the evening from Linda)

– Visit her in your bedroom (Night, relation +1, new message in the morning from Linda, night scenes unlocked)

Relation Level – 2 

– Visit her in the morning (Green option: talk with her 3 times, ask about a kiss, her bedroom, bye option yes she will visit you in the night scenes)

– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon

– Visit her in the kitchen (Evening)

– Wait one day 

– Visit her in her bedroom (Evening, new Judy dialogue option unlocked!)

– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon

– Go into the garage and click the car (Restaurant event, new message from Linda at night)

– Spy on her at night

– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob)

– Spy on her at night again

– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob again, Bob’s workplace unlocked/Zuri’s story)

– Talk twice with Zuri at Bob’s workplace. The second time on the next day and ask about the weekend

– Talk with Linda in the morning about the weekend

– Go buy red wine in the shop

– Wait for Friday and select “Weekend Event” (Relation +1, night visit event in Linda’s bedroom unlocked)

 Relation Level – 3  

 -in the morning visit Linda and Bob in their bedroom

– next day, morning – talk with Linda in her bedroom 2 or 3 times on different days (green dialogue option, Bob is optional)

– Optional – Evening –  Linda and Sara in the kitchen

– afternoon – talk with Linda at her workplace (minigame)

– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with Judy about an exemption from the college in her office

– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with the headmaster in his office (Two times if you haven’t spoken with him before.)

– afternoon – talk with Bob in his bedroom (green dialogue option)

– Go to sleep – beach event 

– spy on them at the night

– speak with Linda in the morning about the beach

– speak with Linda in the afternoon in your bedroom

– go to sleep x2 times


Relation 1:

– Talk with her in the morning (Her bedroom)

– Talk with her in the afternoon (University entrance, optional)

– Visit her in the night (Her bedroom, night visits unlocked at next night)

– Talk with her in the morning again (Her bedroom, green option: Up to anything exciting today)

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University entrance, optional)

– Click her drawer (her bedroom, new message from Sara – night) 

– Play games with her in the evening (New message from Sara the next day in the evening) 

– Spy on her in the morning (Go to the kitchen. Open your inventory > Select “Spycam” > Bathroom’s door) (optional)

– Talk with her in the evening again (Her bedroom) 

– Buy a cheap controller and switch it in her bedroom (when she isn’t in the room, have it activated in your inventory and click on the other controller)

– Play with her again in the evening (Her bedroom)

– Click on her and Lily in the afternoon (University entrance)

– Sleep until the next day (Sara will visit you)

See more:  How to Set Live Wallpaper on iPhone (With iOS 17)

– Talk with her and Lily in the afternoon again (University entrance, relation +1, new message from Sara at  night, new night scenes unlocked)

Relation 2:

– Sleep until the next day (Sara will visit you again, weekend event with Sara unlocked)

– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)

– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Entrance, optional)

– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom)

– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom, select all subjects)

– Talk with her in the night (your bedroom)

– Visit the s*x shop (talk with the saleswoman, Buy a “V*brator” – 80$). 

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)

– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara – morning)

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)

– Talk with her in the evening (your bedroom, Use Computer > Live Camera > Accept > Click on Sara – required webcam software installed, new message from Sara – night )

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)

– Talk with her in the night (Entrance – Between Home and Garage)

– Visit s*x shop (evening, Buy “L*be” – 50$)

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)

– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara in the morning, relation +1)


– Wait for an SMS from Sara (a few days)

– Evening -> Sara’s Bedroom

– MC’s room -> Weekend event menu

– Bathroom

– Shopping centre – > Sara

– Shopping centre -> Stairs -> Ice Cream Van

– Ice cream shop -> Salesman

– Ice cream shop -> Table

– Sara’s Bedroom -> Sara

– Sara’s Bedroom -> Bed and Couch

– Bathroom

– Sara’s Bedroom

– Morning -> Sara’s Bedroom


Relation 1:

– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)

– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional) 

– Sleep until the next day

– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom)  

– Sleep until the next day

– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, clothes shop unlocked –  open only in the afternoon)  

– Talk with her in the afternoon (clothes shop)

– To unlock night scenes visit the Clothes Shop, Click the white door next to the counter, then click the window & open it. “YES”, on the same night go to her shop you will find the key to Caroline’s bedroom. At night go to her bedroom and use the key with her bedroom door (the key has to be selected)

– Visit Shop (evening, Buy “Camera” – 80$)

– Talk with her in the afternoon again (clothes shop)

– Play cosplay minigame x2 on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 5th outfit will be unlocked after that )

– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, optional)

– After completing the 5th outfit scene, talk with her in the evening (your bedroom)

– Wait one day

– In the evening Caroline and Violet will visit you (your bedroom)  

– Play the cosplay minigame once (Clothes shop, no matter which one outfit – 6th outfit will be unlocked after that )

– After completing the 6th outfit scene, talk with her in the evening (her bedroom)

– Go to your bedroom and sleep until the next day –  Caroline will visit you (Relation +1, new night scenes unlocked)

Relation 2:

– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom, optional)

– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional)

– Play cosplay minigame 2 times on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 3rd outfit will be unlocked after that )

– Complete 3rd outfit scene (clothes shop, 4th outfit will be unlocked after that)

– Play cosplay minigame -4th outfit (clothes shop, new message in the evening)

– Visit the clothes shop in the afternoon (Talk to her, help clean the shop, then clean the inside office too, then talk with Caroline again.)

– At night you will get a message on the phone to go see her in her bedroom (optional) 

– Talk to her in the morning (her bedroom)

– In the afternoon visit the clothes shop (as you enter there click on the glass bottle lying near the left shelves on the floor and click on it.)

– Click the white door and talk with her (clothes shop, optional)

– In the evening talk with Caroline (living room, green option: Do you know where I can find Violet, dark alley unlocked)

– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress the story, you need 200$)

– In the afternoon go to the dark alley and meet with Violet

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– In another morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress the story, you need 150$, night new message from Caroline)

– In the night meet with her (entrance to your home, relation +1) 

Relation 3:

– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom)

– Next morning talk with her (outside your home)

– Sleep until the next day

– In the morning talk with her (her bedroom, green option: Have you thought any more about…)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk to Caroline

– Then meet with Violet in the afternoon (dark alley, green option: Caroline wants to know if… new outfits unlocked)

– Meet with Caroline in the evening (kitchen, new message from Caroline – night, optional)

– At night visit Caroline (her bedroom, optional)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet (cosplay minigame 1st outfit)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 2nd outfit)

– In the afternoon go to a clothes shop and talk to Caroline

– Wait 3 days

– After 3 days in the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with Caroline (weekend event unlocked)

-Friday: Meet with Caroline (weekend event – 200$ required, new night scenes)

– In the evening talk with Caroline (her bedroom, optional)

– At night visit her bedroom

– In the morning/afternoon visit her bedroom (click on her bed, new 3rd outfit unlocked)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 3rd outfit)

– At night visit her bedroom again (new 4th outfit unlocked)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 4th outfit, new night scene unlocked)

– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk to Caroline

– Sleep until the next day, Caroline will visit you (Relation +1, new message from Caroline – night)

Relation 4:

 –  Morning > Caroline’s Bedroom 

 –  Afternoon > Clothes shop

 –  Night > MC’s Bedroom > Bed >  “Meet with Caroline.”

 –  Afternoon > Clothes shop

 –  Evening > Caroline’s Bedroom (green dialogue option)

 –  Night > Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional – Doggy, Cowgirl)

 –  Afternoon > Clothes shop > Minigame (3x)

 –  Steal Necklace

 –  Afternoon > Clothes shop

 –  Night > Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)

 –  Night > Nightclub > Corridor > Security

 –  Nightclub > Cindy talk

 –  Morning > Map > Nightclub > Menu:  Warehouse

 –  Steal “Pink box”

 –  Night > Nightclub > Cindy

 –  Nightclub > Security

 –  Next day Night > Nightclub > BossOffice

 –  Nightclub > S*xroom > Cindy (optional)

 –  Morning/Afternoon > Charles Home (His last scene, optional)

 –  Afternoon > Clothes Shop

 –  Weekend Event (Last scene)

Zuri (and Suri)

Relation 1

Note: This story is available only when Bob’s workplace is unlocked (to do this, you must progress with Linda’s story)

– Visit reception in the morning and talk with Zuri (Bob’s workplace – Reception)

– Talk with Bob (Bob’s Office, green dialogue option: “Do you have any work for me?” and “Could you give me…”)

– Talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “ Ask her for magnet card…”)

– in the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again, then click “Cancel” other questions are optional (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Ask her when…”, Linda event unlocked, Zuri’s Home unlocked)

– In the evening visit her Home, go inside scene will triggered automatically, after that, click on Zuri or couch (Map- Zuri’s Home,)

– In the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again,(Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Talk about Zuri proposition” then “Yes”- if you want to continue her story)

First company name:

-in the afternoon (if “Yes”) go to Bob’s office, sit on the chair then click raptors (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office)

– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.” – you can lie or tell her the truth (If you lie to her more than once you get a different last scene with her and different when you tell her the truth)

– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)

Second company name:

– in the next afternoon go to Bob’s office,  click on the table next to the sofa near the statue and take the note, sit on Bob’s chair, click the safe below the table, use the safe note with the safe take the company name, put the safe note back (Bob’s workplace – Reception – office) 

– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name”) 

– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)

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Third company name:

– talk with Zuri again in the morning/afternoon (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name”)

– in the morning talk with Bob (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask about company name”)

– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name”) 

– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)

Last scene with Zuri:

– wait 3 days in the evening you get a message from Zuri  

– visit her home again in the evening (Map- Zuri’s Home, relation +1)

– to end Bob’s story talk with him in the morning(Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask Bob how work is going.”)

Liza and Yazmin:

Relation 1

Note: This story is available only when Liza’s Home is unlocked (to do this, you must progress with Linda’s story).

– In the morning/afternoon go to the pool, and talk to Yazmin (Map – Liza’s Home – Pool)

– Go inside Liza’s house, get a scene (green option: “Did you want me to come over to take a look at your swimming pool?”)

– Go to the garage and click on cleaning stuff (bucket and mop)

– You can start pool cleaning from next day in the morning/afternoon (to start pool cleaning: go to Liza’s pool open inventory, click on cleaning stuff to have it selected and close out the inventory)

– In the morning/afternoon go inside Liza’s Home, click on her, and click on the dialogue option (Liza’s living room, no matter which one if you see the “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional)

– In the morning/afternoon talk with Yazmin, click on her, click on the dialogue option (Liza’s living room – Office, no matter which one if you see the “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional)

– Now you have to clean the pool 3 times, once per day (note, you might have to open up the inventory and select the cleaning stuff every time.)

– When you are finished, go inside Liza’s Home and talk to her (Liza’s living room, green option: “I finished cleaning the pool”)

– The next day in the morning/afternoon, go back, click on the pool and you should see Liza swimming, talk to her(Liza’s Home – Pool)

– In the next morning/afternoon go inside Liza’s house and a scene will start automatically 

– At night go to Liza’s Home, there will be a new option to climb the house beside the door, a big circle with a purple guy climbing icon, click on it.

– In the morning/afternoon, go to Liza’s kitchen, you will get a scene automatically (Liza’s Home – Living room – Kitchen) 

– After the scene, at night, go back to Liza’s house and climb it again for another scene.

– In the next morning go to Liza’s pool, this time you will see Liza and Yazmin at the pool, click on them then go into the house (Liza’s Home – Pool)

– When in the house, go to the office and get the house key, it will be on the left side on a shelf beside the plant, above the vase(Liza’s Home – Living room – Office, if you don’t take the key now, you can take it when you finished the story with them, optional)

– Go to the kitchen, click on the fridge, open it, and click on the beer

– Go back outside, go to the pool, and click on them again for another scene

– After the scene at the pool, at night time, climb the house again

– In the morning/afternoon, go back to Liza’s house, this time you will find Yazmin at the pool alone, talk to her (Liza’s Home – Pool)

– Talk with Liza (Liza’s Home – Living room – Bathroom)

– At night, go to Liza’s Home and walk inside scene will start automatically (Relation +1)

– You can still go inside at night since you have the key and do stuff to them while they are sleeping

Further reading

Once in a Lifetime Walkthrough

Eternum Walkthrough for 0.7

How to Download the “Place The Ball in The Orange Box” Game

Categories: How to

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