How to View and Control Windows PC using iPhone or iPad

We’ve seen a number of iPhone apps in the past that turn your device into a wireless keyboard and mouse. This trick can be quite useful when you have a dedicated PC as a media center or you just want to control the music in the party right from the dance floor.

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However, you must always be within line of sight of your PC to control them from your iOS device. But what if I told you that there is a way you can view and control your Windows PC with your iOS device, and that way is completely free without any limitations? Really helpful, I must say.

Here is how it can be done.

Set up connection

Step 1: Download and install Ultra VNC on your computer. The installation process is quite simple, however, while installing the application, make sure that you have selected the option to install Ultra VNC Server. Once the installation is complete, I recommend that you save all the work you are doing and restart your computer.

Ultravnc server

Step 2: Search for Ultra VNC server in the start menu and launch the program. The application will start minimized in the system tray. Right click on it and then click Admin Attributes. If you get any firewall warnings, click allow and continue.

Start Ultra Vnc

Step 3: Default settings should be fine. All you need to change here is Connect VNC and VNC View-only password. Once that’s done, apply and save the settings. Make sure you have administrator access while changing these settings.

Server Vnc

It’s the turn of iOS devices

Step 4: Now, on your iPhone or iPad, install a free app called VNC Viewer and launch it. The first thing the app will ask you to do is create a new connection. You should tap the add button in the top left corner.

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Step 5: Follow Address field, enter the IP address of the PC that Ultra VNC is running on and below Name, give it any name that will help you remember to connect and save. Useful if you have a lot of VNC connections.

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Note: If you don’t know your computer’s IP address, this article will help you with that. Also, make sure that the computer and the iOS device are connected to the same wireless network.

Step 6: Now all you need to do is tap connect and connect to PC. The first time you try to connect, you will be asked to enter the password you set when you set up the server. You will be asked if you need access control permissions on your PC. Knock on Correct and proceed.

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That’s it, you’ll now be able to view and control your Windows PC right from your iOS device. The app will automatically set the color depth depending on your Wi-Fi connection.

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Cool Tip: You can set a separate password for the VNC View Only password in the Admin Properties. This will also help you connect some iOS devices with just the screen view option. Very useful when you are in a conference and want to project your screen to users with iPad around.

What’s next?

The trick works when you are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. However, I am currently working on port forwarding over the internet and if I succeed you can view and control your screen over the internet even over the mobile network from anywhere in the world. Fingers crossed.

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Categories: How to

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