How to Use TweetDeck to Improve Your Twitter Experience

There was a time when I didn’t know about scheduled tweets, Twitter keyword tracking (useful for market research or just to learn more about topics), and desktop tweets. Looking back on it, I can hardly imagine why I didn’t explore the realm of desktop Twitter apps much earlier! One of my favorites so far is TweetDeck.

TweetDeck is an Adobe AIR application, which means it is available for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. Currently, there are also variants available for iPhone, Android OS, and Chrome integration. TweetDeck displays your Twitter information by displaying them in columns. By default, these columns include Tweets, Mentions, Direct Messages, and Recent Friends Global Trends. If you’ve used HootSuite, you’re probably familiar with TweetDeck’s layout.

Overview of Tweetdeck

At the top (1), you can choose to add columns. This way, you can add new types of streams, such as using the Search function to read Tweets by keyword, or creating streams only for certain lists and groups of friends. There are also a few other options that TweetDeck includes by default, such as Scheduled Tweets or Trending Topics. This helps you really focus on what you want to learn, whether it’s something about a specific area you’d like to hear about or just updating with a close group of friends.

Tweetdeck column

Near the top (2), you can add another Twitter account to your TweetDeck dashboard. This is especially helpful for those of us who have business and personal accounts or manage other accounts just as a hobby. It’s great to be able to aggregate all this information into one place. Of course, you have to be extra careful when it’s too easy to post an inappropriate personal tweet on a business account.

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Tweetdeck account

At the bottom (3) of the initial overview screenshot, you can see the options available to modify your flow. You can choose to see common hashtags or filter out the column by certain keywords.

Tweetdeck button

TweetDeck also keeps you in touch with current tweets naturally. By default, a small dialog box will pop up whenever one of your friends Tweets.

Tweetdeck Warning

I found the constant bombardment a bit annoying, and turning it off was easy. Just navigate to Settings, then click the Notifications tab. You will have access to all your popup dialogs from there!

Install Tweetdeck

I’m a bit curious about Twitter’s other capabilities, such as expressing yourself via recording or webcam. TweetDeck makes it easy to add attachments or even record live video via webcam. You can even ask it to track your location (a bit scary isn’t it?).

Tweetdeck recordings

The clock icon in that screenshot is a method for you to schedule your tweets. That’s a great convenience, especially if you want to bulk update your Twitter feed and already have ready-to-go tweets. Sometimes it can be more efficient to just time them to peak Twitter traffic times and schedule them all in one go. That way, you won’t have to interrupt whatever you’re doing to work on your Twitter feed.

TweetDeck is definitely a dead useful tool for my desktop and I’m happy to use it. Enjoy the new utilities it brings and take your Tweets to the next level. Oh, and don’t forget follow tutorial tech on Twitter!

Categories: How to

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