How to Use Text Formatting on Reddit Using Markdown Mode

Reddit is an information goldmine and one of the more unique platforms on the internet. Part of the reason is the way information is presented in a post. There are tables, code blocks, polls, lists, etc., allowing users to add more details to the post. Ever wondered how you can recreate some of these elements in your post? Here’s how you can use text formatting on Reddit in Markdown mode.

Reddit has two formatting modes when you add content to posts – Fancy Pants mode and Markdown mode. The former is a simple formatter that is easy to use, but it has limited features. However, Markdown mode allows you to customize your text in many ways, and we’ll show you everything you need to know.

What is Markdown mode on Reddit?

Markup Mode is a syntax-based text formatting tool available on the web version of Reddit. It allows you to use multiple text formats and improves the structure of your content.

You can add different titles, inline code and links, categorize text as spoilers, add tables, lists, code blocks, etc. This is how you can access Markdown mode on Reddit. Once you click on the option to create a new post, click the Bookmark Mode button to get started.

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In the next part of the article, we will show you all the different ways to format text. Let’s start with some basic text formatting options.

How to Format Text on Reddit: Basic Text Formatting in Markup Mode

We’ll show you how to add emphasis to your text, add strikethrough, superscript, line breaks, headings, and other basic text formatting options on Reddit. Let’s get started.

1. Emphasis

Italic: To add italic text, you need to put characters between asterisks

at either end.

This is what the text looks like after adding bold syntax for the word ‘interesting’.

Bold: To add bold text, place characters between two asterisks (**) at the ends.

This is what the text looks like after adding bold syntax for the word ‘interesting’.

Bold & Italic: If you want your content to be displayed in both bold and italic, here’s what the syntax looks like.

The word ‘interesting’ is made to show both bold and italic.

Strikethrough: Add three tilde characters (~) at either end of the word you want to strikethrough.

Here’s how we crossed out the word ‘fixed’ in the example.

2. Upper index

Here’s how you can add metrics on Reddit. All you need to do is add the characters in parentheses and add the caret character (^) before opening the parenthesis.

Here’s how we added a superscript to my name, ‘Supreeth’, in the example.

3. Section and Title

You can give better structure to your content on Reddit posts with headings. You have multiple levels of headings, and all you need to do is add a pound sign (#), followed by a space, and then the title text. To switch to descending titles, increase the number of ‘#’ characters.

Here’s how we’ve added titles at four different levels.

And this is what it looks like when you publish the post.

4. Line break

Line breaks can be used to indicate a separation between two sentences. You can add a sentence, add two new blank lines, and add three or more dashes (-) to add a line break. Here is a quick example.

This is how line breaks look like when you publish a post.

5. Quotation marks

Blockquotes can help you offset a sentence from surrounding content. To add a blockquote on Reddit, add a larger character (>) before the syntax.

Here’s what a sentence looks like in a blockquote in a published post.

How to use Bookmark Mode to add boards on Reddit

Tables are a great way to communicate information in the most efficient way possible through sorting and organizing data by rows and columns. Here’s how you can add a board in Reddit.

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Columns are separated by a hyphen ( | ) and the header row is separated by a dash (-). Note, however, that you don’t have to align all characters as you type – columns, rows, and headers automatically align themselves. Alternatively, just enter a hyphen below the header row.

By default, data is left-aligned. To right-align data in a column, simply add a period ( . ) before adding a hyphen below the header row for that column. To center the data, add a period ( . ) at both ends of the hyphen below the header row for that column.

This is what the output looks like.

How to insert a link to a Reddit post in Markdown mode

If you are adding references to external sources in the content of your posts on Reddit, URL links will be very helpful. However, adding a long URL in the text is not good for readability. Therefore, consider adding a hyperlink.

Add the link text in square brackets and add the URL in parentheses.

Here is the output for the example syntax in the image above.

However, if you’re adding an internal link for a subreddit or user profile on Reddit, add the subreddit’s name after ‘r/’ and the username after ‘u/’.

This is how the links for a subreddit and a user would be presented in a published post.

How to Insert Code on Reddit in Markdown Mode

Programming-related content on the Reddit forum has long been a boon to computer science students and engineers. If you want to add code to your Reddit post, here’s how you can do it.

Insert code inline

If you want to add code snippets in a sentence, add them in single quotes. See the example below.

Here’s what the inline code looks like on a published post.

Insert code block on Reddit

If you want to insert an entire block of code, add four spaces before each line of code. See the example below.

However, adding a lot of spaces before each line of code can really get tedious. Therefore, as an alternative, you can add three backslash characters ( ` ) between lines of code.

This is how the code block should look on a published post.

How to create lists and bullet points on Reddit using Markdown mode

Lists are useful for adding information as points. Here’s how you can add a simple list. You need to add a hyphen (-) and a space character before starting the point.

This is how the list will look when you publish the post.

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In addition, you can also add a list of numbers.

This is what the output will look like.

If you want to add a nested list, you just need to add more indents before the starting point. See the example below.

This is how a nested list looks like when you publish a post.

How to add spoilers on Reddit text

Reddit is also a platform where people often discuss and reflect on the movies, shows, and books they consume. As a result, it can also be difficult not to add spoilers to the conversation, as you could ruin someone’s day.

However, there are many tools to classify text as content disclosure on Reddit. You can check out our article to learn how to add spoiler tags.

This is what spoiler text will look like in your post.

If you’re viewing a spoiler, click on the colored text that says Reveal spoiler.

As the color fades, you can see the spoiler.

That’s everything you need to know about using text formatting in Reddit using markup mode. If you have any other questions, you can check out the FAQ section below.

Reddit Text Format FAQ

1. Can you use bookmark mode on Reddit mobile app?

Correct. You can use bookmark mode on mobile Reddit. However, there is no dedicated button to switch to bookmark mode. Just type the syntax in the body of the article.

2. Can you use markup to format comments on Reddit?

Correct. You can format comment text using markdown-mode syntax while typing it.

3. Is bookmark mode available in old Reddit?

Correct. Bookmark mode is also available on old Reddit.

Easy text formatting

We hope this Reddit text formatting guide helps you post content in a well-structured and organized way. Reddit is a text-heavy platform, so tools like these are sure to be useful not only for posting your queries clearly, but also for answering questions and helping the community.

Categories: How to

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