How to turn off yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws


  • You can turn off yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws by enabling the Explorer Mode option
  • This will remove all yellow paint markers that denote where Kay can climb in the game
  • However, you might find it more difficult to navigate the world if you choose to enable the setting

Having yellow paint on climbable surfaces has become a bit of a meme in the world of gaming, and it seems that Ubisoft is in the know with Star Wars Outlaws.

If you consider the yellow paint that marks traversal points in this latest adventure across the galaxy to be annoying, then here’s how you can turn it off completely.

How to disable yellow paint in Star Wars Outlaws

Head to the Gameplay menu in the settings and look for the ‘Explorer Mode’ option.

Enable this, and all yellow paint will disappear from the game world of Star Wars Outlaws. This includes paint on climbable walls, as well as boxes that Kay can climb over and vents she can crawl through.

Should you turn off the yellow paint?

Option to disable yellow paint in Star Wars OutlawsClick to enlarge

It’s completely down to personal preference as to whether you should turn off the yellow paint in the game, but I would choose to leave it on if you can.

The intention behind the yellow paint is to quickly tell players which surfaces they can mantle over and climb up. Given that the world of Star Wars Outlaws is intended to be a fairly photo-realistic recreation, there are lots of environmental assets that look like they should be navigable but aren’t.

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If you turn off the yellow paint, you’ll likely have a much harder time discerning which parts of the world you can climb up and which areas aren’t intended for the player to get to. If you often find yourself bashing Kay into a wall while trying to climb something you can’t, it might be a sign to turn that yellow paint back on.

On the other hand, if you’ve played lots of video games in a similar genre to Star Wars Outlaws, then you might find yourself very familiar with the literacy of these gaming worlds.

If you find the yellow paint to be more of an immersion breaker than a help, then there’s no harm in turning it off to see how you get on. You can always re-enable the setting if you change your mind!

Categories: Gaming

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