How to Swim Underwater in Genshin Impact

In Version 4.0 of the Genshin Impact, a new area called Fontaine is introduced, bringing an unexplored legend.

This new area comprises Court of Fontaine Region, Beryl Region, and Belleau Region.

The “Fontaine’s Blessing” is a new mechanic that imbues characters with power.

The Fountain of Lucine allows players to raise its level and receive rewards by throwing Hydro Sigils into it.

New characters include “Spectacle of Phantasmagoria” Lyney, “Elegance in the Shadows” Lynette, and others.

New domains, equipment, and weapon options are also introduced, along with the continuation of the game’s storyline.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to dive, submerge, collect nearby fish, and swim underwater in Genshin Impact.

How to Swim Underwater in Genshin Impact

To swim underwater in Genshin Impact, you need to press the left CTRL key on your keyboard.

You can check your key bindings by going to your Settings and selecting “Key Bindings”.

Here’s how to do this (expand the screenshots above):

  1. Press the left CTRL key on your keyboard to dive underwater and swim.
  2. Use the primary attack (left click) followed by “E” to collect nearby fish.

If you’re on a controller, check your key bindings to see what to press to dive underwater.

Press the left CTRL key to go deeper and press the spacebar to swim up.

Further reading

How to Find a Way to Open the Path Forward in Genshin Impact

How to Unlock Court of Fontaine Statue of the Seven in Genshin Impact

How to Go to the Ancient Castle in Genshin Impact

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Categories: How to

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