How to Share Live Location in Telegram for Android

Telegram is one of the popular instant messaging apps for many reasons. In October 2017, Live Location sharing made its debut on Telegram, and it came about 10 days before WhatsApp rolled out the feature. Now you know why Telegram users have a sense of elite pride towards WhatsApp users.

Telegram live location sharing for Android

Among the many things Telegram does right, the ability to share real-time live location with whoever you’re messaging is a really cool one. So we are trying to share how you can share location directly on Telegram and how useful it can be.

What does direct location in Telegram mean

Live location in Telegram is akin to Google Maps’ ‘Share Location’ feature, which allows users to share their location in real time with friends.

Telegram live location also helps you to track your friends and loved ones by following them in real time or a certain period of time. Of course, it could also be time-limited tracking.

Without further ado, see how you can share your location with your family (and vice versa) on Telegram.

Do you know:

Share location directly on Telegram

Before you continue to follow the steps listed below, make sure that you have the latest version of Telegram app installed on your smartphone. That’s because the Live Location feature is only available in version 4.4 and above of the Telegram app.

If you use any version older than v4.4, you will not be able to share and track the location of the people you message on Telegram. They also won’t be able to track you. To enjoy the full potential of this feature, update your Telegram app.

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Now let’s go straight to it.

Step 1: Launch your Telegram app and open the chat window of the person with whom you want to share your location.

Step 2: Click the Paperclip icon next to the text box.

Telegram Android Live Location Sharing

Step 3: A list of options will be revealed. Select the icon labeled Location.

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Step 4: If you are using the Live Location feature for the first time, Telegram will ask for permission to use your device’s location/GPS. Grant location privileges to Telegram by clicking Allow in the pop-up menu.

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After that, the location sharing window of the Telegram app will pop out.

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Step 5: On the Location window, select the ‘Send my current location’ option. Your current location will be embedded as text and sent to the recipient.

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When he/she clicks on the location embedded text, a map containing your current location will appear. Your friends can use this map to get directions to where you are just by clicking the Arrow icon at the bottom of the map.

Quick tip:

Real-time location tracking on Telegram

As mentioned earlier, Telegram also allows your friends and family to track your location in real time.

Here’s how to enable real-time tracking in a Telegram chat.

Step 1: Open the Telegram app and tap the name of the person you want to share your real-time location with. Then, tap the Paperclip icon, choose Location from the list of options, and on the new Location window that pops up, select the ‘Share My Live Location to…’ option.

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Step 2: You will be asked to choose how long you want to share your live location with the selected individual. You have the option to share your exact location in real time with your friends for 15 minutes, 1 hour and 8 hours.

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Choose how long you want the individual to follow you.


Step 3: Click Share after selecting the Location Sharing duration.

Step 4: Then, Telegram embeds your location in the text and sends it to the recipient. After the recipient clicks on the text, they will be able to track your movements in real time for the specified period of time you choose.

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Step 5: To stop Location Sharing, tap the location embedded text and select the ‘Stop Location Sharing’ button at the bottom of the screen.

How to share Telegram live location for Android 10

Alternatively, you can swipe down your phone’s notification tray and tap the ‘Stop location sharing’ button on the Telegram notification card.

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Follow all

Telegram provides a convenient way to share your location and also track your loved ones in real time. This feature is quite useful to keep an eye on your kids while you are working. The Live Location feature is great for giving the right direction to a mapped place, hangout place or any other pinned location.

You share your location with others and even create a group so your family doesn’t have to worry about you while you’re on the road. Unfortunately, this feature is not available on Telegram’s desktop/PC app or web version. It is limited to Telegram mobile app only. Hopefully Telegram will develop this feature for PC soon.

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Next: Did you know you can use Telegram & WhatsApp stickers that can interact with each other? Check out how to use Telegram stickers on WhatsApp.

Categories: How to

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