How to See How Many Videos a YouTube Channel Has

Have you ever wondered how many videos a YouTube channel has?

Take PewDiePie for example—he has over 100 million YouTube subscribers and billions of views.

But how many videos did he take to get there?

On social media platforms like YouTube, consistency is key to growth.

In fact, the vast majority of successful YouTubers today have hundreds and thousands of videos.

For a glimpse of a successful YouTuber’s efforts to get to where they are today, you can check out the total number of videos they’ve uploaded.

If your dream is to be a full-time YouTuber, that’s one way to gauge how many videos you have to post.

In this article, you will learn how to see how many videos a YouTube channel has in 3 easy steps.

  1. How to see how many videos a YouTube channel has?
  2. How many YouTube videos can I have?
  3. Why can’t I watch all my YouTube videos?
  4. How can I watch all the videos on my YouTube channel?

How to see how many videos a YouTube channel has?

To see how many videos a YouTube channel has, search for the channel name, filter the search type to “Channel” and check the search results.

The total number of videos a channel has will be displayed next to the number of subscribers.

Alternatively, if you’re using YouTube on desktop, you can go to the channel, click “Videos,” then “Play All.”

After clicking “Play All”, you will see a playlist containing all of the channel’s videos on the right.

You can see the total number of videos the channel has in the “Upload from x” section.

For example, if you click “Play All” for PewDiePie’s channel, you’ll see this on the playlist, “Upload from PewDiePie, PewDiePie – 1/4,266”.

This means that PewDiePie has uploaded a total of 4,266 videos on its YouTube channel.

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Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can see how many videos a YouTube channel has on both desktop and mobile devices (e.g. iPhone/Android).

Step #1: Open YouTube and search for the channel name

search on YouTube

Open YouTube > search > search for channel name.

The first step is to open YouTube.

You can open YouTube on your desktop or on your mobile device.

After you go to YouTube, search for the channel name.

For example, if you want to know how many videos PewDiePie has, search for “PewDiePie” on YouTube.

If you’re using YouTube on desktop, just search for the channel name using the search bar on the top navigation bar.

Otherwise, if you’re using the YouTube app, tap the search icon and find the channel name.

You do not need to login for this.

If you don’t know the channel name, try a keyword search, check your history or check your liked videos.

Congratulations, you’ve completed the first step—search for the channel name.

In the next step, you’ll learn how to filter search type only into channels to prevent other result types (e.g. video) from appearing.

Step #2: Filter the search type to “Channel”

YouTube search filter

Filter > Type > Channels.

After you have searched for the channel name, the search results may contain a mixture of channels and videos.

The channel you’re looking for may not even be on the search results.

This is because the search results filter is now filtered to “All”.

By default, the search results filter is set to “All,” which means videos, channels, playlists, movies, and shows will show up on search results.

To view only channels, you need to filter your search results to “Channels”.

If you’re using YouTube on a desktop, click the “filter” icon below the search bar.

On the other hand, if you’re using the YouTube app, tap the “filter” icon in the upper-right corner of your screen.

Once you have tapped the “filter” icon, the search filter menu will be opened.

There are many filters you can set—Sort by, Type, Upload Date, Duration, and Features.

The filter that you want to use is the “Type” filter.

Under the “Type” filter, you will see a filter that says “Channel”.

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Select “Channels” to set the search filter to channels only.

In the final step, you’ll learn how to check search results to see the total number of videos a YouTube channel has.

Step #3: Check the search results

How to see how many videos a YouTube channel has?

Search results > Channels > videos.

Now that you’ve filtered your search results by channels only (from the previous step), you can easily find the channel you’re looking for.

Let’s say you are looking for a channel called “Followchain”.

After you’ve searched for “Followchain” and filtered your search results only by channel, you’ll typically see a channel on the first few search results.

On the channel results, you’ll see the channel’s name, subscribers, and videos.

Next to the channel’s subscriber count, you’ll see the total number of videos the channel has.

Here’s an example, “Followers Chain, 19 Subscribers, 2 Videos”.

In this case, the total number of videos the Followchain channel has is two.

If the channel name is generic (for example, John), you may have to scroll for a while before you can find the channel you’re looking for.

Congratulations, you have found the total number of videos that Followchain has.

You can now repeat the process to find out how many videos another YouTube channel has.

How many YouTube videos can I have?

You can have unlimited videos on YouTube.

YouTube has no limit on the number of videos you can upload to your channel.

In fact, a channel called “CODblackopsPS” has uploaded over 1,000,000 videos on YouTube.

However, that channel was terminated because of multiple third-party copyright infringement claims.

Why can’t I watch all my YouTube videos?

You can’t watch all of your YouTube videos because you’ve changed their visibility to private or unlisted.

If you’ve changed a video’s visibility to private, you won’t be able to watch it on your channel as a regular visitor (when you’re signed out or signed in to another channel).

Similarly, if you’ve changed a video’s visibility to unlisted, you won’t be able to view it as a normal visitor either.

However, others will only be able to view it if they have a link to the video.

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In either case, videos that you make private or unlisted will be hidden from your channel if you try to watch them while signed out or signed in with another channel.

How can I watch all the videos on my YouTube channel?

To see all the videos on your YouTube channel, navigate to “Gallery” on the YouTube app and tap “Your Videos”.

Your private and unlisted videos will not be shown directly on your channel.

To watch them, you need to go to “Your Videos” on your gallery instead of “Your Channels”.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. Tap on “Gallery” on the bottom navigation bar.
  4. Click “Your Videos” to see all the videos on your YouTube channel.

After selecting “Your Videos”, you will be able to see all the videos on your YouTube channel, including private and unlisted ones.


Knowing how many videos a YouTube channel has can be beneficial in two ways.

First, you’ll be able to tell if the total views from a channel are from a single viral video or from multiple videos.

Second, it shows how many videos the YouTuber uploaded to get where it is today (e.g. PewDiePie).

Thus, it gives you a reality check if you are hoping to become a full-time Youtuber.

Read more

ft. What does it mean on YouTube?

What does “join” mean on YouTube?

How to remove “Restricted mode has hidden comments for this video” on YouTube

Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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