How to Secure Your Facebook Account With 2-step Verification

Facebook is the most popular social network out there, so it’s only natural that you should try to secure your account as best you can. 2-step verification, also known as Agree to login on Facebook, is one of the best ways to do so.


Pros and cons of 2-step verification

Some of the most important online services are adding 2-step verification to their websites, as an extra (and much-needed) layer of security. For example, Google has put such a system in place for Google/Gmail accounts, and it’s not too complicated to set up. Google’s system can also be used with a dedicated mobile app. Dropbox also uses a similar system to keep information more secure.

2-step verification makes it harder for others to access your account; that’s because, in order to access the aforementioned account, you need to have knowledge of something as well as own something. Obviously, the password is the knowledge you need; mobile phone on which you receive the code or generate the code using the app, which you must own.

In a world where passwords are hacked daily or even guessed, an extra layer of security is always a good idea. Since we’re talking about Facebook, there’s a serious chance that someone like a relative you had an argument with or an ex-girlfriend could be the one trying to access your account. You never know if they are not resourceful enough to guess your password.

However, there is a downside to using this system; it makes the login process more complicated. However, I believe it is a small price to pay for the additional security.

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How to enable Facebook login approval

Activating the system is quite easy but it requires you to take a few steps, you will soon see.

Step 1: Start by logging into Facebook on your computer and left-clicking on Facebook personal shortcuts button, then See more Settings.

Facebook 2-Step Verification More Settings

Step 2: In the menu on the left, go to Protectlike I did in the screenshot below.

Facebook 2-Step Verification Add Security Settings

Step 3: Then left click Editor in the Login Approval section.

Facebook 2-Step Verification Secure Login Approval

Step 4: Now it’s time to enable this feature for your Facebook account. To do so, simply tick the box next to Require security code to access my account from unknown browsers.

Facebook login approval required for unknown browsers

In short, you’ll be told what this feature will do for your peace of mind.

Facebook login approval details

Step 5: Click Begin and you will be notified that, in the unlikely event you are unable to use the app, you will receive a code via text message.

Facebook Login Approval Text Code

Step 6: You will then need to re-enter your password and in case Facebook does not have your mobile number yet, you will be asked to provide it.

Facebook Mobile Login Approval No

Click Continue and a text will be sent to the number very quickly. It includes a confirmation code, which you can enter then click Confirm.

Facebook Mobile Login Approval No Confirmation

Now that the process is complete, you will be notified that you can log in without a code for the first week; if you want Agree to login To start working right away, check the box next to No thanks, request the code immediately. Either way, don’t forget to click close button.

Final Facebook Login Approval on Mobile

Facebook login approval is active

Now that it is enabled, let’s see how the service works. When you log in from a browser that the service does not identify, after you enter your username and password, as usual, you will be asked to enter a security code.

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Approve login Facebook Login

At this point, you should find A code generator in the menu of the Facebook app on iPhone or Android. In the case of my Android smartphone, I even received a notification asking me to use the app to sign in. Once you have found the Code Generator you will be asked Activated It.

Facebook Code Generator Android1

From then on, the A code generator this feature will always give you a code, every 30 seconds. The code will work as long as it is displayed, so make sure you use it for that period of time.

Facebook login approval code

Once you have entered the code, Facebook will ask you one more thing – very important –: if you want Save that browser (you should do that if you are using your personal laptop) or Don’t save (do this for a public computer or any other computer you don’t own).

Approve Facebook login Save browser

After you hit Continueyou will be able Get code. Specifically, you can write down a set of codes when you don’t have your phone with you. This is always a good idea, as you never know when you might lose your phone.

Approve Facebook login Get code

One more thing about situations when things don’t work as you expect: if for any reason the app doesn’t work, you can always get the code via text message. Just click Have trouble button, then Send me a text message with my security code.

Other options are listed, such as approving existing logins from another browser where you’re logged in, or even contacting Facebook, if you don’t have access to your phone, or another browser. Hopefully, that will never be the case.

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Facebook login approval option

Last word

While it takes quite a few steps to set up, Facebook’s 2-step verification should work without problems once you’ve completed the process. The options it has really make the user feel like his account is properly secured.

Do you use 2-step verification on your Facebook account? Does it cause any problems? Let us know in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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