How to Run a Program from a PowerPoint Presentation Directly

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Previously, we showed you some tricks that can help you present smartly. Some of them are how to

integrate a web page into a slide

how to

insert YouTube videos

and how to

zoom in and out slides

in slideshow mode.

Today we’re about to discover another trick that can save you time during your presentation and keep your audience distracted. Sometimes you may want to execute a program so that you can show real-time examples of whatever you are presenting. Generally, you’ll exit presentation mode, return to your desktop, search for the program, and then run it. Definitely not the best way. We’ll show you how to do that from a slide in slide mode.

We go here.

Steps to put the program implementation on PowerPoint slides

This tutorial is based on PowerPoint 2013. We’ll start with a new presentation, and I recommend trying it out while reading this.

Step 1: Create a slide with some text or object on it. Here, is a sample slide.

Test Slide E1364831640109

Step 2: Select the text or object that you want to use as the trigger point.

Step 3: Still selecting the object/text, navigate to Insert navigation. Under link section, select Work.

Power Point Actions

Step 4: That action will show Action settings window. Select a tab – Click the mouse or Hover over – based on the action gesture you like. Both have the same options below it.

Hoverover action settingsClick action settings

Step 5: We take Click the mouse action for this example. Select Run the program radio button and browse for the desired program to be run.

Step 6: Navigate to the required program on the file explorer and select its exe file. For example: firefox.exe.

See more:  Completely Include a Website in PowerPoint Presentation

Select Run program E1364831812124

Note: You can provide one more parameter that you want to open the application. For example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe is my complete action mapping.

It is done. When in presentation mode, you can easily launch the program from your slides without having to navigate away from the presentation. You may get a security warning while doing that. There is nothing to worry about giving it away.

Security alert

Note: The program will not be integrated into the presentation. Instead, it will be run externally. So if you are going to present using another machine, be sure of the application’s path.


This is the best way to give your audience an action to perform in a presentation. In the same space, you can give more importance to each object embedded in it. Nice way to get some extra applause, right?

Try it for your next meeting and experience the difference it makes. Share your views in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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