How to Restrict Windows 10 Usage for Specific Time

Microsoft always tries to keep users in their ecosystem. Windows 10’s grand plan to keep it free for 1 year is definitely on the right track. However, many users have uninstalled it due to privacy issues (which you can certainly disable). Additionally, there are some settings that can only be enabled if you’re signed in with your Microsoft account. One of the settings that doesn’t work when signing in with a local account is Family Control. (Well, if you’re on Windows 7 here’s a complete guide on how to use parental controls.)

Restrictions on using Windows 10 1

So what do you do if you want to restrict your child’s (or anyone else’s) computer use without these parental controls? Well, of course, you will definitely choose an alternative software but if you are one of those eccentric parents then you will probably want to do it via the Command Line. So let’s see how you can do that.

Restrict Windows 10 usage to any user

We will use Net users command to limit the usage of a particular user. Open Command Prompt as Administrator. Here is the command syntax.

network user/time:,

Replace with the username of the account that you want to restrict its use. Replace with the date on which the user will be able to access his account. You can add the full name of the date or an abbreviation like M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su. Replace with the time that the user will be able to access Windows. Here you can set the time limit in 12 hour format or 24 hour format.

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Here is an example.

abmac network users /time: M-Sa, 5pm – 7pm

Restrictions on using Windows 10

This will limit user usage from Monday to Saturday and time limit from 5pm to 7pm. Outside of this period, the user will not be able to log into the account. You can even set different times for different dates by separating them with semicolons. Here, take a look.

abmac network users /time: Monday-Friday, 5pm-7pm; Sa-Su 5pm-10pm

While setting the time in 24 hour format, make sure it is in full time (11:00 or 12:00). Half an hour (11:30 or 12:30) won’t work. Now, if you want to give full access to the user then you use the following command.

abmac network users/time: all

This will remove the time limits and the user will be able to access the account at all times. Now, if you leave /time value is empty then it will never allow the user to access the account. It is equivalent to blocking the user.

If you want to see complete details about the user, such as when the user can access his account, use the following command.

Net users

Restrictions on using Windows 10 2

That’s it! This is a quick and bold method to block or restrict user usage using Command Prompt. You just need to be aware that your child or the target user may be as eccentric as you are and can figure out how you can limit their use. If you have any other method to quickly block users then let us know.

ALSO SEE: 5 valuable registry tricks to make Windows 10 cooler

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Categories: How to

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