How to remove your wanted level

If you’ve wandered into any Empire-controlled zones in Star Wars Outlaws it’s likely that you’ve come out with a wanted level – so find out all of the ways that you can remove it right here!

How to remove your wanted level

You can remove your wanted level at any Imperial Terminal Station, by bribing an Imperial officer, or simply by hiding for long enough.

Image of your wanted level in Star Wars OutlawsClick to enlarge

I’ve explained all three methods in detail below, so make sure you know exactly what you need to do:

Imperial Terminal Stations

Imperial Terminal Stations can be found all across the map in every zone – even outer space! These aren’t just limited to Empire-controlled areas either, giving you a better chance of heading in unnoticed.

Image of an Imperial terminal in Star Wars OutlawsClick to enlarge

There will be a number of Imperial troops guarding these stations, so you’ll either need to go in guns blazing or sneak your way through. The terminal is usually through a door to the side of the tower, and you’ll need to pick the lock in order to break through.

Once you’re inside, activate the terminal and slice the wanted level section. You’ll need to correctly place the signs in order to clear your wanted level here, but if so you’ll be free to go! There might even be an option to claim some arrest money too, giving you some extra credits to boost your balance.


Alternatively, if there are no Terminals nearby, or you simply don’t trust your slicing skills, then hiding is your next best bet.

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You’ll need to be pretty thorough with your efforts too, as the Empire will track you for quite a while. If you’re in a stronghold or camp, hiding somewhere confined like inside the vents is the best way to clear your wanted level as they physically won’t be able to find you – even if it’s a little boring.

There will be a couple of announcements from the Empire before your wanted level is officially cleared, but a message will appear on your screen when you’ve finally escaped their grasp. You won’t be able to fast travel whenever you have a wanted level either, so getting as far away as possible will hopefully do the trick.

Bribing Imperial Officers

While you won’t unlock this option until you’re a little while into the game, there are a few NPCs that you can talk to in order to remove your wanted level, albeit at a cost.

Image fo an officer that you can bribe on Kijimi in Star Wars OutlawsClick to enlarge

I’ve found one in both Kijimi and Mos Eisley, and they offer a great alternative if you want to clear your name for good.

Categories: Gaming

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