How to Reduce Image, PDF, MP3 File Size with FileOptimizer

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The internet bandwidth and donut rules are really the same, you can always have more. In the case of internet bandwidth, the situation can become quite dire. Especially when you are providing the same data to thousands or millions of people on the internet. Saving 100 KB on an image file when distributed to a thousand users is an amazing 100 MB of bandwidth saved. That equates to less hosting fees.

And this applies to everything you upload to the internet. Image, video, PDF, Mp3, any form of digital media. We’ve already told you about RIOT, the image optimization tool, but today we’re going to talk about an app that promises to optimize all types of digital files for you using the best standards. the best standard available.

File Optimizer

FileOptimizer (Windows only) uses tools that are publicly available and are generally great for helping with file optimization. The installation is also quite quick. No pop-ups for extras or any kind of bloatware.

Open the application, you will see the user interface similar to MS Office. The application is clearly inspired by the Ribbon interface. You can choose Add files options or drag any file to the window.

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Click Optimize all files to begin. You can drag different file types at once, and FileOptimizer will optimize each file type according to their file type.

This app also has a shortcut for Optimize all files features to make things faster. Its Ctrl + O.


This app doesn’t have much in terms of settings. There’s a tab for different file types, but usually all you can do is choose whether or not to copy metadata. You can go in PDF tab to specify Department of Planning and Investment for file.

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Main page in Option (which you can access from the Ribbon menu) is overview one.

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Here you will find settings for Optimization level, which is set at 9 by default (in the range of 1 to 10, 10 is the most optimal and 1 is the fastest). You can also fiddle with process priority, threads, and log levels.

By default, FileOptimizer optimizes the original file itself and sends a copy to the Trash (so you have a way to recover). If you don’t want to do that, check Do not use the Recycle Bin select.

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Supported files

FileOptimizer supports the following file types: AIR, APK, APNG APPX, BMP, CBZ, DOCX, DLL, EPUB, EXE, GIF, GZ, ICO, JAR, JPEG, MNG, MP3, MPP, PNG, PPTX, ODT, OGG , OGV, PDF, PUB, SCR, SWF, TIF, VSD, WEBP, XAP, XLSX, ZIP and many more.

Optimized for you

I was able to save 50% on image files with FileOptimizer. It is the same for PDF and MP3. PDF optimization is also quite fast. PNG optimization takes quite a while, but that has more to do with the format than the application.

How about you? The optimization will depend on the speed of your computer and the file you are importing. Let us know how much digital dollars you’re saving in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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