How to Recover Deleted Emails in Gmail

We mainly use Gmail as our preferred email provider. Even people who rely on other means like custom domain IMAP email accounts have Google accounts and use Gmail in some capacity. With the number of emails that we receive daily, it’s easy to delete an email only to realize its importance later. So the question is how do you recover deleted emails? Backup.

Gmail Email Recovery

A simple Google search will tell you about countless horror stories when a user’s Gmail account is deleted. Another reason to do backups is the well-known hacks that the likes of Facebook, Microsoft, Google and more recently Quora have faced over the past 5 years. So do you want to take your chances with Gmail? Here’s what a famous fictional character had to say:

I know we’re not perfect, but the safest hands are ours – Captain (USA) Steve Rogers

Okay, that’s dramatic enough. Let’s get serious for a bit and look at some of the ways that you can back up emails on Gmail.

1. Thunderbird

There are many desktop email clients, but I will be using Thunderbird for this tutorial. Why? Because it simply works. Additionally, a portable version is available for you to save all your data on a pen drive and view it offline.

To backup Gmail emails, go to Forwarding and POP/IMAP inside Settings and enable POP for all emails.

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When you launch Thunderbird for the first time, it will ask you to enter your email ID and password. Enter your Gmail credentials there. You can also add a new email id in Account>Account Setup>Email as shown in the screenshot below.

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When you press continue as shown in the screenshot above, Thunderbird will automatically get the required port addresses. Click Done and it will create all the folders and subfolders to start downloading emails from your Gmail account. It may take a while depending on your Inbox size and internet speed.

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You may be asked to sign in again and give Thunderbird the necessary permissions.

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You should now see all the folders in the left panel and your email on the right. Let it sync your account for a while.

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Thunderbird is free, open source, and cross-platform ready. So rest assured, all your data is safe on your computer. Check out the support page on Gmail POP for an email to discover more about it.

2. Trash can

When you receive an email, you can flip through it and click the delete button if you find it unhelpful or not worthy of further attention. If you want to restore it later, you can do that, but there are some limitations involved.

Any email you delete in Gmail goes to the Trash folder, where it stays for up to 30 days. If you don’t recover emails within that time, Gmail will automatically delete them from the Trash folder.

To restore, open Gmail in a browser or mobile device, open the Trash folder, and find the email you want to restore to the Inbox folder.

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On mobile, long press the email and tap the white envelope icon to restore the email to the Inbox folder. Of course, you’ll have to click the Move To icon (the folder with the arrow on the right) to move the email back to the Inbox.

3. Google take away

Not many people know about this, but Google provides a way to get all the data you have on Google’s servers and store it locally.

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Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Next.

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Choose file type, storage size and delivery method which can be via email or directly in your chosen cloud storage service. You can leave the default as well.

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When you click Create Archive, your data will be aggregated and sent to you within a few hours to a week. The files will be in .MBOX format for which we will need a file viewer. We can use Thunderbird or MBox Viewer. Since we have seen Thunderbird in action, I will show you how to use MBox Viewer.

Launch MBox Viewer, a Windows-only application, so if you are using a different operating system, use Thunderbird. Once you’re in, select the Google Takeout.

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That’s it, guys. You can now view emails from your Google Takeout Gmail archive whenever you want. You also don’t need to install MBox. Also, MBox Viewer also has a pro version, but the free version will be good enough for you.

4. Gmvault

Gmvault is free open source software to download and view Gmail emails, but that’s not all. You can schedule backups to eliminate the need to continue backing up as we saw with the previous methods. You can also use it to move emails to another Gmail account. comfortable!

Download Gmvault for Windows or macOS using the link below. You’ll start with enabling the IMAP option in Gmail Settings under the POP/IMAP Forwarding tab.

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Now, open Gmvault and it will greet you with a command line shell. Do not be afraid. To sync Gmail email IDs, enter the following command:

gmvault sync [email protected]

You should now have a tab open in your browser asking you to allow Gmvault to access your Gmail ID. First, you need to sign in to your Gmail ID in the browser.

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Once you’ve authorized it, go back to Gmvault and just press Enter on your keyboard. Gmvault will now start backing up all your emails automatically.

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Here are some useful commands you can use in Gmvault.

Update backup:

gmvault sync [email protected]

Just check email from last week:

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gmvault -t sync fast [email protected]

Restore email to another Gmail account:

restore gmvault [email protected]

To schedule a backup, open the Task Scheduler in Windows by searching for it.

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Click Create Task.

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Give your task a name that’s easy to remember, and set the Trigger to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly as you like.

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In the Actions section, click Start a Program and locate gmvault.bat file can be found in this type of location on your computer: C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\gmvault\gmvault.bat

Just below, add the following argument.

fast -t sync [email protected]How To Recover Deleted Emails In Gmail 18

Finished! If you want to perform a manual backup without opening Gmvault or checking if the task you scheduled is working properly, go to the Task Scheduler Library and select the Gmail task name that you previously provided. Right click on it and click Run. Gmvault will open and start backing up.

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Prevention is better than cure

If you recently deleted an email, you can restore it from the trash. But that is not always possible. You’re better off backing up all your Gmail emails before losing an important email that you may have accidentally deleted. So prepare for it in advance. Following any of the methods above will allow you to recover Gmail emails easily with the click of a button.

Next up: Love using Gmail on your Android? Here are 8 Gmail notification settings that you can benefit from.

Categories: How to

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