How to Password Protect and Hide Disk Drives in Windows 10

We all love privacy. It gave us peace of mind that no one was rummaging through our belongings. It’s the biggest problem of all tech, though. No matter how hard you try, it will be threatened in one way or another. However, we should never stop trying. If you believe it, then let me show you how you can hide “personal stuff” stored in those specific partitioned drives on Windows.

Create a Windows hidden driveHidden Drive | shutter

Here, I will demonstrate how you can password protect your drive and keep your sensitive data safe. So without further ado, let’s find out.

Hide Drives in Windows

So the software we are going to explore today is Hidden Disk. Previously, we shared with you how to hide the secret partition in your USB flash drive. However, using Hidden Disk today, I want to show you how to hide the drive and its contents. And, not only hide but also add a password to it.

Download and install the software to get started. It works well on Windows 10. And using this software is really simple. So let’s do it.

Mac users? Here’s how you can password protect files on your Mac.

Step 1: Create disc

On the main screen of the software, you will see the Letter X. Those are actually drive letters. You can choose whatever you want. Next, after you have selected your disk letter, click Create disc.

Hidden Disk Create a drive

Now the disk will be created and it will show a warning that you should not format the system drive or reinstall your system. If you do then the disk you created will be erased (along with the files stored in it). Also, with this caveat, there’s an important point to note. Files that you store in this drive are being stored somewhere on System drive. That’s why you will see that the new drive you create will be named the same as your System drive.

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My Computer Hidden Disk

Also you can create other drives by renaming the drive in the software.

Step 2: Hide Drive

Now to hide the drive click Disable disk. Before doing so, don’t forget to add your files to the drive. After you turn it off, the drive is gone.

Hidden Disk Disable Disk

Also, another way to make it invisible is to turn off your PC. The disc will disappear every time you shutdown. So now how do I get it back?

Step 3: Open the hidden disk and click Create disk again to show the hidden disk.

If you added any files to the hidden drive then you will put them back on the drive after pressing Create disc (again). Yes, it’s a bit time consuming but privacy comes at a heavy price.

Now let’s see how you can add a password to this hidden drive.

Password protect hidden drive

Well, you wouldn’t actually add the password to the Hidden Disk but to the Software.

Step 1: Click Create/Update Password

Hidden disk Add password 1

And, on the next screen, add your password and recovery email. The email ID will be used to send you your password in case you forget it.

Hidden disk Add password 2

Step 2: Access the Software with New Password.

Now you can check if it works. Disable the drive and close the software. Next time you open it, it will ask you for the password.

Show hidden disk

So now you have password protected your files and folders and hidden them.

ALSO READ: How to easily hide files in invisible hard disk partition with secret disk

Categories: How to

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