How To Passcode-Lock and Configure Siri On Your iPhone

Set up Siri

In previous articles, we mentioned a

some basics

about Siri and some possible tips

help you work much better

with it. This time, we’ll take a look at some essential settings of Apple’s digital assistant and how to make it more private and secure.

Configure Siri

First, start by learning how to configure Siri and tailor it to better suit your specific needs.

On your iPhone, go to Settings > Siri. There, you’ll be able to see if Siri is enabled, and most importantly, the various configuration options you can use to tweak it.

Siri SettingsSiri Settings

That is:

Advanced to say: Definitely one of Siri’s most convenient settings for many iPhone users. When it is TURN OFF (its default value) the only way to invoke Siri is to press and hold the Home button on your iPhone. However, if you enable this setting, you can also call up Apple’s digital assistant by simply holding your iPhone to your ear and speaking.

Raise To SpeakBring it up to continue

Language: One of the great aspects of Siri is that it’s not limited to English. In fact, with each release and update to iOS, Apple continues to add new languages ​​so that users can interact with Siri. So far, the major languages ​​include three different Chinese dialects, four varieties of English, German, Japanese, and two types of Spanish. So go into this setting and see if you find a language you’re more comfortable with.

Once you enable it, just start talking to Siri spontaneously and it should work fine most of the time.


Voice feedback: As the name implies, this setting controls when you want to hear Siri’s response. You can choose to always do this (the default option) or, if you don’t feel the need to voice-confirm your questions and commands to the digital assistant while you’re holding your iPhone, then Hands-free only option will definitely suit you better.

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Voice feedback

My Info: Touch My information settings will immediately show all your contacts. You don’t usually need to set this up, as it’s done when you first set up iPhone, but you may want to choose a different contact profile so Siri can get more information about you.

Restrict access to Siri with Passcode Lock

As you surely know, Siri can be activated just by pressing and holding the Home button on your iPhone. This is convenient, of course, but it can also pose some security threats, as nearly anyone can pick up your iPhone and ask Siri for personal information, sensitive. even if your iPhone is locked.

Siri lock screen

To prevent this from happening, you can secure Siri by locking Siri with a password so that when you try to summon Siri after your phone has been locked, you’ll have to unlock it again with your passcode first. .

To do this, open Setting app on your iPhone and tap overview. Then tap Password lock. When on the next screen, scroll all the way down Allow access when lockedturn Siri convert TURN OFFTurn off Siri completely from your iPhone lock screen once it’s locked.

Password lockLock Siri Off

Your go. A few simple tweaks will make Siri safer and better suited to your needs.

Categories: How to

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