How to Manage Multiple Tumblr Posts with Mass Post Editor

Tumblr makes blogging super easy. The different post types available, combined with the ability to repost anything, translate into an experience like no other. However, when you have a lot of posts accumulated over the years, managing them is not so easy. And that’s where Tumblr’s little-known Bulk Post Editor comes in.

Instructions for editing outstanding Tumblr posts

Mass Post Editor, or Mega Editor as it is commonly called, gives you the ability to delete multiple posts at once. Not only that, you can also modify the tags of multiple posts in one go. Sounds pretty useful, doesn’t it? However, those are not bugs and limitations that you will soon realize.

So, let’s learn the basics of how to use Tumblr Mass Post Editor and find out how it works. However, don’t let its blandness affect you as you will also learn about a nifty New XKit mini extension. This new extension greatly improves the functionality of Mega Editor.

Access the Bulk Post Editor

Loading Mass Post Editor is quite complicated if you don’t know how. It’s supposed to be on the console, but where exactly? Start by opening the Account menu — below your main blog, select Posts.

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And then you’ll see the Bulk Post Editor option printed in small print on the right side of the panel—almost as if Tumblr doesn’t want you to find it. Click on it and you will be taken directly to the Mega Editor.

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But wait. How do you get it to open a sub blog? There doesn’t seem to be a blog selector anywhere in Mega Editor, right? But look at the address bar on your browser. Just replace your main blog’s username with your secondary blog’s username, then press Enter to load it instantly.

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Another way to access a secondary blog is to open said blog via the dashboard, then launch the Bulk Post Editor directly. But for quick switching, replacing the username in the address bar is much better.

Functions and Limitations

Now that you know how to access Mass Post Editor, let’s check out how it actually works. As you can see, all posts are presented in thumbnail format, but broken down by month to make it easier to find the item.

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While you can scroll all the way down to older posts, you can instead use the pull-down menu in the upper-left corner of the editor to load posts starting from any month. any year.

This functionality, as you’ll see later, is crucial for efficient post management with the new XKit’s small extension filters, since only posts that are loaded on the page at any given time are new. affected.

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In addition to purely text-based posts, thumbnails make it easy to identify other post types — if you’re unsure, you can always double-click the thumbnail to load the post in a dedicated tab, although the ability to maximize them directly in the editor itself would work wonders.

In the upper-right corner of the Mass Post Editor, you have an easy-to-understand set of options labeled Remove, Edit Tags, Add Tags, and Deselect.

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To remove unwanted posts, simply click on the post thumbnail to select them. Unfortunately, you can’t drag your cursor to select a bunch of them at once. And, there is also a maximum limit of 100 posts that you cannot exceed at once, which is perhaps the biggest failure of the Bulk Posts Editor.

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After you select the thumbnail, click Remove. Finally, click OK on the confirmation pop-up to remove them.

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The other functionality Mass Post Editor offers is allowing you to add or remove tags across multiple posts (again a maximum of 100 at once). Quite useful when needing to re-categorize old articles.

Just like when you delete your posts, just click on the ones you want to edit. The Bulk Post Editor doesn’t offer any way to filter posts by their tags, but that’s easily done with the new XKit add-on. Now wait — you’ll find out about it soon!

To add tags to selected posts, click the Add Tag button. Enter the tags you want and click Add Tag to confirm.

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Also, you can choose to remove any unwanted tags from all selected posts. Click Remove tag then check the boxes next to the tag you want to remove — click Remove tag to confirm.

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Awesome, that’s all there is to the Bulk Post Editor. But now it’s time to check out what you’ve been waiting for — the Mass+ New XKit mini extension will wow Mega Editor.

Mass+ New XKit Small Extension

Tumblr’s bulk post editor is too simple. But luckily, the new XKit with the Mass+ mini extension has come to the rescue. If you don’t already know, New XKit is a Tumblr-specific add-on with dozens of small extensions that greatly improve the core Tumblr experience.

And in this case, Mass+ adds more filtering options that make choosing specific post types easy. Not to mention that you can also filter posts by tags. Wonderful sound!

If you haven’t set up an add-on, start by adding it to Chrome or Firefox.

Then refresh the Tumblr dashboard and go through the new XKit popup that shows up on the screen to integrate it with Tumblr – nothing complicated there. After you go through the pop-ups, click on the new XKit icon on the dashboard.

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On the new XKit management panel that appears, click Get Extensions. Search and click Install in Mass+, and you’re good to go.

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Upload to Mass Post Editor and you will notice the difference immediately. The upper right corner of the screen now has a lot of filtering options. Get started with the ability to select up to 100 posts instantly by clicking Select the first 100, meaning no more needing to click through tons of thumbnails. So sweet. The Deselect All option also allows you to instantly deselect all selected posts in a jiffy, even if they are the ones you selected manually.

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And then there are other widgets — you can also filter posts by type such as text, images, videos, links, etc., which is great.

Good tip:

Next to each month, you’ll also find two separate options labeled First 100 this month and Uncheck this month. The former allows you to select the first 100 posts for any month, while the latter allows you to deselect any selected post for the month from the rest with a single click.

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When it comes to filtering posts by tag, you need to enable an experimental feature for the small Mass+ extension. Go back to your Tumblr dashboard, upload to the XKit dashboard, then click Mass+ in My XKit. Check the box next to Enable tabbed search, then exit the panel.

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Refresh the Bulk Posts Editor and you’ll see a new option labeled Tag Search.

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Click on it and you can filter out posts by any tag you insert, then you can choose to delete or modify easily. And to prevent only the most recent 100 posts from showing, select a month to define your starting point when filtering repeats.

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Yes, that’s about it. As you’ve seen, the Mass+ New XKit mini extension is pretty awesome, so don’t forget to use it. Dig around with it installed and you’ll feel at home in no time.

Could be much better

Tumblr hasn’t really made any significant improvements to Mass Post Editor since its launch in 2010. But thanks to the Mass+ New XKit extension, you now have a formidable tool that can be easily easily delete and modify hundreds of posts (in repeated attempts, of course) quite easily.

What are you waiting for? Get your blog cleaned and updated!

Categories: How to

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