How To Integrate Your Yahoo & Hotmail Accounts With Gmail

Gmail is a great email service because of its unmatched features. The kind of flexibility it gives you cannot be found in other services like Yahoo mail and Hotmail. We are not saying that other mail services are not good. But Gmail is certainly far ahead in terms of features and innovation.

To take advantage of all the benefits, you should consider switching to Gmail. But for those who have long used Yahoo or Hotmail, the switch is not easy. Don’t worry, there are workarounds if you don’t want to give up those services too soon.

There can be two situations when switching to Gmail from Yahoo mail and Hotmail.

1. You want to integrate your old email account with Gmail. That means your old account is active and you get mail there, but you’ll be using it from right within Gmail, just to get the experience of using the new email service.

2. You want to switch to Gmail completely without losing any of your old emails and contacts.

In this article, we will discuss case 1 – Integrate your other email accounts like yahoo and hotmail with Gmail. We will come to the next part of the article about case 2 tomorrow.

.The following is a guide to integrate Hotmail account with Gmail account. The method is similar for Yahoo or for any other mail service that provides POP access for that matter.

Case 1. I want to use my Yahoo/Hotmail account from my Gmail account

You can operate your other mail accounts directly from the Gmail interface. You don’t need to re-login to those mail accounts again and again. Alternatively, Gmail can download all your old emails directly to your Gmail inbox. You can compose and send emails from Gmail and the recipient will show you are using your yahoo/hotmail account. It’s great isn’t it? Here are the steps.

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1. Set up a new Gmail account.

2. Click Setting link is provided at the top right of the Gmail page.

3. Go to the Accounts and Import tab. Click Add a POP3 email account.

Gmail account3

4. A new window will pop up. Enter the email address from which you want to retrieve all messages. You can add a total of 5 different accounts and that includes other Gmail accounts.


5. Enter the settings as shown in the screenshot below. This is the setting for the Hotmail account. The settings will depend on the email service you are using. Check this page for Hotmail settings (you can also check them out in the screenshot below) and this page for Yahoo Mail POP access. Note that Yahoo mail only offers this feature to Plus users. That means if you’re using a regular Yahoo account, these steps won’t work. You want a complete transformation, which we will discuss in an article tomorrow.

If you’re using a non-Yahoo email service and Windows Live (Hotmail), you’ll need to contact them or check out their help pages to learn their POP access settings.

After filling all the settings correctly, click “Add account”.

Gmail account11

6. Gmail will start checking your old email. If any new mail arrives in your Hotmail inbox, it will automatically show up in your Gmail inbox.

Gmail account21

Go back to Settings > Accounts and Import. Click “Send mail from another address”.

Send mail to gmail1

Enter the name and email address that you used in the other account.

email address1

That’s it. Now, every time you reply to the original message that arrived in our Hotmail inbox, you can select the corresponding “from” address from the drop-down menu. It would be the Hotmail email address in this case.

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The recipient won’t detect that you’re replying to him from his Gmail account (however, if he’s using Outlook as an email client, he’ll know. A message will show up in the email header that says “sent on behalf of the recipient.” [email protected]”).

You can also set up filters and labels to get messages from your other accounts organized inside labels/folders.

Those are the steps to set up your email account inside Gmail and use it without letting the world know that you are using a new email service.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss case 2 which involves switching to Gmail completely without losing your old emails and contacts.

Categories: How to

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