How to get Wiglett & its evolution Wugtrio in Pokemon GO

Wiglett made a surprise debut in Pokemon GO with the new biomes update, and this guide will explain how to get it and its evolution Wugtrio.

The biomes update has introduced a variety of new biomes and environments for you to catch Pokemon in, and certain Pokemon will be exclusive to certain biomes. Wiglett is one of them, so read on to find out how to get your hands on it.

How to get Wiglett in Pokemon GO

The only way to catch Wiglett is to head to the beach biome and find them there. That means you need to visit a real beach, as those are the only areas the game will register as a beach biome.

Once you’re at the beach you can find it like you would any other Pokemon and catch it normally. The issue for most players will be getting there, as I imagine most of us don’t live near a beach. 

Whether you’re miles away from one or not, the only way to catch a Wiglett is to head to a beach and find one. It’s also possible the game might be registering other watery areas as beaches, as some users have reported seeing one near rivers, but the primary way is catching them by the seaside. If you live near another body of water it might still be worth checking for Wiglett.

Right now it’s not clear if Wiglett will remain locked to this biome forever, but Niantic likes to restrict a lot of Pokemon to certain areas, events or features, so it’s very likely it’ll be beach-exclusive until a future event includes it.

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How to get Wugtrio in Pokemon GO

Wugtrio in Pokemon GO.Click to enlarge

The main way to get Wugtrio in the game is simply evolving Wiglett with enough candy. You’ll need 50 Wiglett Candy to evolve one into Wugtrio.

As of now, it doesn’t seem like Wugtrio is spawning in the wild, so you’ll need to capture enough Wigletts to amass the 50 candy you need to evolve it.

That’s pretty much it for how to catch Wiglett and Wugtrio in Pokemon GO. Hopefully, you don’t have too much trouble finding one, but the beach requirement will no doubt cause problems for some of us.

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