How to Force High Refresh Rate on All Android Apps Without Root

In the last few years, it’s not just screens and displays with high refresh rates – smartphones have joined the party. And after using a phone with a 90/120Hz refresh rate, it was difficult to switch to anything lower. Therefore, it is annoying that some applications are reluctant to stick to 90/120 Hz. However, we found an alternative to force a high refresh rate on your Android device.

Many methods on the internet require rooting your phone or using a terminal on your PC to fix the problem. However, we want to simplify this for you. We’ll show you how to force a high refresh rate using an app from the Play Store. And all it takes is a few taps and nothing more.

However, keep in mind that you need to have a device that supports high refresh rates from the start. So have a look at your phone’s spec sheet or check if you can enable high refresh rates in the Settings app. Otherwise, unfortunately, there is no way to introduce the high refresh rate feature to your phone screen.

Let’s start with enabling the high refresh rate feature on your device.

How to enable High Refresh Rate on Android

This is how you can enable the high refresh rate feature on your phone. The toggle for it will be in the Settings app. Depending on your phone’s configuration, you can set the screen refresh rate to 90Hz or 120Hz, or both.

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

Step 2: Tap Display & brightness.

Open the Settings app

Step 3: Tap on ‘Screen refresh rate’. You will find options to choose a high refresh rate in this window. Check the box for the same.

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Ideally this would enable a high refresh rate for all apps. Smartphones don’t offer a refresh rate option on an app-by-app basis, so all your apps will run on the selected refresh rate.

However, some applications refuse to run at high refresh rates. They seem sluggish even when you choose 90Hz or 120Hz refresh rates. If you also notice the same thing, verify your suspicions and check the refresh rate while using your phone.

Check which apps are inactive with a higher refresh rate

In our case, the YouTube app felt sluggish and sluggish at 120Hz. Meanwhile, other apps work as expected with a high refresh rate. So we ran tests and checked the refresh rate while using the app. We need to enable developer options first, so here’s how.

Note: These are experimental features for development purposes only. Proceed with caution and at your own risk.

Step 1: Open the Settings app and tap About Device.

Step 2: Click Version.

Step 3: Tap Build Number repeatedly until you get the message ‘You are now a developer’.

Step 4: Now we need to open developer options. Open the ‘Additional settings’ menu in the settings app.

Step 5: Tap Developer Options.

Step 6: Scroll down to find and turn on the “Show refresh rate” switch. It should be present in the Display settings.

You should now see the value of the refresh rate in the top left corner of the screen.

Take a look at the two images below – the first screenshot was taken as we were navigating around the home screen, it said 120Hz was what we chose.

Since we observed the YouTube app running slow, we tested the refresh rate on the app. Turns out what we suspected was true – the YouTube app was running at 60 Hz.

Luckily, in our case, sometimes it’s just the YouTube and Snapchat apps. However, it can be frustrating if you have this problem with more apps. Given the fact that you have to pay for a phone with a high refresh rate display, you want to get this problem fixed as soon as possible. Now let’s do that.

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Force the highest refresh rate on your Android device (No root required)

SetEdit is a database editing application for your Android device. It helps to modify some configurations by editing their values. Therefore, you can adjust the screen refresh rate values ​​so that applications run at the maximum refresh rate. This works without root or any other seemingly complicated process.

Note: This involves modifying some of your device’s settings, which you can’t do on the Settings app. Proceed carefully, and at your own risk. We recommend backing up your entire device before proceeding.

Step 1: Download the SetEdit app from the Play Store.

Read the warnings and caution notes mentioned by the app developer. Neither the app developer nor we guarantee the safety of your device.

Step 2: Grant the necessary permissions and ignore any application incompatibility error messages.

Step 3: On the main screen of the app, tap on ‘Add New Settings’.

Step 4: Enter the text below in the field:


Step 5: Click Save changes.

Step 6: Now add a value to the Edit Settings pop-up box. Delete the text ‘SETTING_VALUE’ and enter ‘1’.

Step 7: Click Save Changes.

Step 8: Repeat the same process (starting with step three) to add two more settings with a value of ‘1’.

user_refresh_rate min_refresh_rate

Step 9: Once you complete the above steps, all apps will run on 120Hz.

We recommend this method because it worked in our case. Check out the screenshot below where our YouTube app has successfully set up and running at 120Hz refresh rate.

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That’s all you need to know about how to force a high refresh rate on all the apps on your Android device. However, if you have any further questions regarding this, check out our FAQs section below.

FAQ about forcing high refresh rate

1. My device does not support 90Hz or 120Hz high refresh rate. Is there a way to add it?

Are not. Since this is a hardware feature, you cannot add a high refresh rate monitor through any modification of your own.

2. Does a high refresh rate drain the battery?

Yes, a high refresh rate will drain the battery a bit more than using the standard 60Hz refresh rate.

3. Can you increase the refresh rate on your phone?

No, you cannot increase the refresh rate on your phone beyond the maximum limit.

Enjoy high refresh rates across all apps

We hope this article helped you restore a high refresh rate across all the apps on your phone. While the feature is several years old, we feel app developers are still not taking full advantage of the high refresh rate.

We kept seeing a few apps drop to 60Hz even when we had 90/120Hz turned on. Adaptation may still take some time, however, we hope issues like this will be fixed soon.

Categories: How to

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