How to Fix “You are not white-listed on this server!” on Minecraft

Minecraft has many servers that you can join.

Each server has its own game mode, design, and community.

In some cases, you may receive an error message saying that you are not whitelisted when joining the server.

If so, you won’t be able to connect to the server and play it.

This is the first part of the error, “Unable to connect to server”.

In this tutorial you will learn how to fix the “You are not whitelisted on this server” error! error on Minecraft Java or Bedrock version.

  • What does whitelist mean on Minecraft?
  • How to fix “You are not whitelisted on this server!” on Minecraft

What does whitelist mean on Minecraft?

If you are whitelisted on the Minecraft server, that means you are allowed to join.

If you are not whitelisted, you will not be able to join the server.

A whitelist is basically a list of players that are allowed to join a Minecraft server.

Players not on the list will be blocked from connecting to it.

These servers do this to prevent griefers, spam, and others.

The most common types of servers whitelisted are SMP (survival multiplayer) servers.

How to fix “You are not whitelisted on this server!” on Minecraft

To fix “You are not whitelisted on this server!” on Minecraft as a server owner you need to disable whitelisting on your server.

To do so, open your server configuration file > > whitelist > set it to “False”.

After you set it to “False”, restart your server and players will be able to join.

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How to fix “You are not whitelisted on this server!” as the server owner:

  1. Open your server configuration file > > whitelist > set it to “False”.
  2. Save the file and restart your server.

If you’re looking to enable whitelisting, here’s how to whitelist players as server owners:

  1. Open your server configuration file > > whitelist.json.
  2. Enter the username of the player you want to whitelist (for example: [howwarrior]).
  3. Save the file and restart your server.

How to fix “You are not whitelisted on this server!” as a player:

  1. Go to the server’s website or Discord and sign up to join.
  2. Wait for your application to be accepted.

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