How to Fix WhatsApp Audio Speed on Mobile and Desktop

Gone are the days when we used to rely on text messages to communicate. Today, we have all forms of communication, such as stickers, emojis, gifs, and voice messages. When handling voice messages, WhatsApp makes it easy for users to speed up voice messages. Some may not like the change. You can easily fix WhatsApp audio speed on mobile and desktop.

Fix whatsapp audio speed

Out of all the types of messages, voice messages are gaining attention these days. They are easy to use for the user and eliminate the hassle of typing long messages.

WhatsApp, being the largest IM application, has added useful tools for managing voice messages. Sometimes, you may want to speed up or slow down voice messages in order to hear them clearly. The only problem is that WhatsApp saves it as your default audio playback speed and uses it on all voice messages.

We will cover all four operating systems, including Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android, and also fix the speed of sound. Let’s start with the WhatsApp mobile app. Shall we?

WhatsApp App for iOS

WhatsApp uses a different interface on iPhone and Android. If you have audio speed issues on your iPhone, the steps above should help you fix the problem.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp on iPhone.

Step 2: Open a conversation in which you want to hear voice messages.

Step 3: Go to the received voice message.

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Step 4: Press the Play button and check the current speed from the chat bubble. This is what they mean.

Play voice messages on iPhoneChange the speed of sound on iPhone

1x – 1x means WhatsApp will play voice messages at normal speed.

1.5x – 1.5x indicates the message will be played at 1.5x speed.

2x – 2x signals that WhatsApp will play messages at twice the speed.

If voice messages show 1.5x or 2x, WhatsApp will play voice messages faster. It can lead to discomfort while listening to messages.

You can tap 1.5x and it will speed up the sound by 2x. Again, tap 2x and it will go back to normal 1x speed. There is no way to slow down voice messages from 1x to 0.5x.

WhatsApp App for Android

The trick to fix WhatsApp audio speed on Android remains the same. Since it uses a slightly different user interface, check the steps in action.

Step 1: Access WhatsApp on Android.

Step 2: Open a chat.

Step 3: Go to WhatsApp voice messages.

Step 4: Play the message, tap 1.5x or 2x and go back to 1x for normal audio speed.

Play whatsapp voice messages on iPhoneFix whatsapp audio speed on Android

With WhatsApp, when you change the audio speed once, the service uses the same speed on all voice messages.

Mac Apps WhatsApp

WhatsApp has implemented the same audio speedup trick on desktop apps. If you are using WhatsApp on desktop (we have more reason now because WhatsApp is providing multi-device support) you can use below trick and fix the audio speed on WhatsApp on desktop.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp on Mac.

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Step 2: Open the conversation you want to listen to or send an audio message.

Step 3: The 1x, 1.5x, or 2x buttons won’t appear until you broadcast the message.

Play audio on whatsapp

Step 4: Tap the Play button and click 1.5x or 2x to go back to 1x speed.

Whatsapp sound speed changed

After you set the audio speed to 1x, WhatsApp will save that audio speed as your default option and use the same audio speed when sending voice messages.

Fix audio speed on Windows WhatsApp app

WhatsApp for Windows also supports different audio rates for voice messages. It also works well with many devices. Here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Launch WhatsApp on Windows.

Step 2: Open any chat and broadcast voice message.

Step 3: Tap 1.5x or 2x while the voice message is playing and it will change to 1x.

Fix whatsapp audio speed on mac

WhatsApp for the web uses a similar user interface and works like the desktop apps. You can apply the same trick on WhatsApp for web and fix the audio speed.

Slow down audio on WhatsApp

Faster audio speed on WhatsApp can lead to confusion and confusion while listening. You can follow above steps and easily fix WhatsApp audio speed on all supported platforms.

Categories: How to

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