How to Fix “Downloading English (US) Update Waiting For Network Connection”

Are you getting the “Loading English (US/UK) update waiting for network connection” (or “Waiting for WiFi”) error on your Android phone?

Updates stuck, won’t go away or keep downloading?

Many users are getting this error even though they have internet connection.

The “Waiting for network connection” error is a known glitch on Android devices.

Even if you’ve restarted your phone, switched to Wi-Fi, or turned on background data, Google Voice Services may not be able to update.

To fix the error “Downloading update for English (US) is waiting for network connection” you need to select “Do not automatically update languages” and restart the phone.

Alternatively, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling Google Speech Services from the Google Play Store.

Here’s how to fix the “English (US) update is waiting for network connection” error:

  1. Go to your settings
  2. Tap on “Google”
  3. Select “Settings for Google Apps”
  4. Select “Search, Assistant & Voice”
  5. Tap on “Voice”
  6. Tap “Offline Speech Recognition”
  7. Select “Do not automatically update languages”
  8. Restart your phone

1. Go to your settings

The first step is to go to your settings.

Navigate to the “Settings” app on your phone and tap it.

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2. Click “Google”

Android Google Settings

After you tap on “Settings”, you will get to the settings page.

On the settings page, you will see many options.

This includes “Privacy”, “Location”, “Google”, etc.

Scroll down and tap “Google”.

3. Select “Settings for Google Apps”

Settings for the Google app

After tapping on “Google”, you will see many options.

This includes “Ads”, “Autofill”, “Backups”, etc.

You need to manage the Google Speech Services application.

Therefore, you need to tap on “Settings for Google apps”.

4. Select “Search, Assistant & Voice”

Search, Assistant & Voice

After you tap on “Settings for Google apps”, you will arrive at the “Settings for Google apps” page.

The page contains many options.

This includes “Connected Apps”, “Sync Google Contacts”, “Google Fit”, etc.

Since you are looking to manage the Google Speech Services app, tap on “Search, Assistant & Voice”.

5. Tap “Voice”

Android Voice Settings

After tapping on “Search, Assistant & Voice”, you will get to its settings page.

The page contains many settings like “General”, “Notifications”, “Hide obscene results”, etc.

Tap on “Voice” to manage it.

6. Tap “Offline Speech Recognition”

Offline speech recognition

After tapping on “Voice”, you will be presented with many options.

This includes “Language”, “Speech Results”, “Offline Speech Recognition”, etc.

To manage the Google Speech Services app, you need to tap on “Offline Speech Recognition”.

The “Offline Speech Recognition” setting allows you to manage your language.

7. Select “Do not automatically update languages”

After you tap on “Offline Speech Recognition” you will go to the “Installed” tab.

To get started, tap on “Auto-updates” to go to the “Automatic updates” tab.

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Now, you will see 3 options.

This includes “Do not automatically update languages”, “Automatically update languages ​​at any time. Data charges may apply” and “Auto-update languages ​​only over Wi-Fi”.

If you want to get rid of the “Uploading English (US) update waiting for network connection” message, simply turn off auto-update.

To do so, tap “Do not automatically update languages”.

8. Restart your phone

Restart Android phone

After you tap “Do not automatically update languages”, the Google Speech Services app will not automatically update languages.

To apply the change, you need to restart your phone.

After restarting your phone, you will no longer receive the message “Downloading English (US/UK) Update Waiting for Network Connection”.

Keep in mind that this method will prevent languages ​​from updating.

If you want to update the language, you need to use below method.

Method 2: Uninstall and reinstall Google Speech Services

One of the easiest ways to fix the “English (US) update is waiting for network connection” error is to uninstall and reinstall the Google Speech Service.

You can also try clearing the app’s data/cache.

Here’s how to uninstall and reinstall the Google Speech Service:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store.
  2. Search for “Google Speech Services”.
  3. Uninstall “Google Speech Service”.
  4. Reinstall “Google Speech Service”.

By uninstalling and reinstalling the Google Speech Service, the application will be updated to the latest version.

As a result, you will no longer receive the “Waiting for network connection” error.

Why am I getting the error “English (US) update is waiting for network connection” error?

You are getting the message “Downloading English (US) update pending network connection” due to a glitch/error.

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Even if you have an internet connection, the application may not be able to update.

This is because this is a known glitch/bug that prevents languages ​​on the Google Speech Services app from updating.

Users have reported problems on many forums such as Samsung, Android Central and Google forums.

For now, you need to wait for Google to fix the error on their part or use the solutions mentioned in this article.

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